<strong>Copyright Policy</strong>
mesotheliomalungcancernet is committed to complying with U.S. and Australian copyright and related laws where applicable to this site. We always act in good faith when posting any material, however as is the nature of internet communication today, knowing the source of material (particularly images) can be difficult to ascertain. Should you believe your original works have been posted here without fair attribution, or outside of Fair Use (US) or Fair Dealing (Australia) laws, we will consider your request to amend or remove the said material.
Please email us at duncan at nichenet.com.au with the image/ article in question and we will be happy to remove it.
Should you not wish to work with us informally (and we’d encourage you to do so), owners of copyrighted works who believe that their rights have been infringed may take advantage of certain provisions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 (the “DMCA”) to report alleged infringements. If you believe your copyright material is being used on this website without permission, please notify the designated agent at:
Attn: Editor
PO Box 8164
Camberwell North VIC 3124 Australia
E-mail: duncan at nichenet.com.au
Your notice of alleged copyright infringement should include:
1. A description of the copyrighted work or other intellectual property that you claim has been infringed;
2. A description of where the material that you claim is infringing is located on the site;
3. An address, a telephone number, and an e-mail address where we can contact you and, if different, an e-mail address where the alleged infringing party can contact you;
4. A statement that you have a good-faith belief that the use is not authorized by the copyright or other intellectual property rights owner, by its agent, or by law;
5. A statement by you under penalty of perjury that the information in your notice is accurate and that you are the copyright or intellectual property owner or are authorized to act on the owner’s behalf; and
6. Your electronic or physical signature.
If a notice of alleged copyright infringement has been filed against you, you can file a counter notice with mesotheliomalungcancernet designated agent at the address set forth above. All counter notifications must satisfy the requirements of Section 512(g)(3) of the U.S. Copyright Act. It may be difficult to determine if your intellectual property rights have been violated, in which case we may request additional information before we remove or restore any infringing material, and we ask your cooperation in responding promptly.
Please be advised that under the DMCA anyone who knowingly makes misrepresentations regarding alleged copyright infringement may be liable to mesotheliomalungcancernet, the alleged infringer and/or the affected copyright owner for any damages incurred in connection with the removal, blocking and/or replacement of allegedly infringing material.