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Whats the youngest person to have ever got lung cancer ON RECORD?

Question by : Whats the youngest person to have ever got lung cancer ON RECORD?
Just wondering. I’m a hypochondriac i’m 15 and supposedly have an allergen caused cough. I’m worried even though I shouldn’t. The cough has actually been going away a little with spring long gone 🙂 but i’m still that little worry wart. What’s the youngest person to have developed lung cancer? With or without smoking. Please have something reliable.

Best answer:

Answer by SethSpeaks
You don’t have lung cancer. There are many more factors other than a cough, especially if you don’t smoke. With that said, babies can have lung cancer. Talc powder isn’t used for baby powder much any more because talc can cause lung cancer if overly inhaled. Baby powder is mostly cornstarch based for this reason. But what you describe sounds nothing like lung cancer.

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Q&A: What are the chances that my Dad will make it through Lung Cancer?

Question by : What are the chances that my Dad will make it through Lung Cancer?
I found out 3 days ago that my Dad has Lung Cancer. He said he has been feeling this pain for about 3 months and also coughing up blood. He waited to go to the doctors even though we begged him to go sooner. My mom thinks that he has been feeling like this for a while. I am so Devastated and am trying to stay positive for him but its hard. What are the Chances of his Survival with Lung cancer??? and i need the truth…:-(

Best answer:

Answer by mac
Lost my dad 2 weeks after he was diagnosed. He thought he had pneumonia. Death depends on the individual, and the severity of the disease. Dads cancer had already spread to vital organs, before he decided to get checked out.

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What are the odds of passing away from lung cancer?

Question by : What are the odds of passing away from lung cancer?
My dad has lung cancer and I am just concerned, any additional info. helps to.

Best answer:

Answer by Habiba
I think it has a roughly 16% 5 year survival rate. That means that 16% of people diagnosed with lung cancer will still be alive after 5 years. I really hope your father is one of them.

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who was the first person to notice lung cancer?

Question by Daniii: who was the first person to notice lung cancer?
im doing a research project on lung cancer. i need to find somebody associated with my topic. I wanted to pick the first person to notice lung cancer. does anyone know who it is? or anyone that i can do it on? it cant be on a person who has lung cancer either.
thanks much
– dani

Best answer:

Answer by notalonewithcancer
Attached is a good link to the first case of lung cancer discovered. I can’t copy and paste from there, but you can read it on the site.

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Q&A: What all different treatments are there for lung cancer?

Question by xox_loveme_xox: What all different treatments are there for lung cancer?
What is every treatment or medication out there for lung cancer?

(also if you know any reliable “.gov” or “.edu” websites that I can learn about lung cancer on please share)

Best answer:

Answer by tarra
There are many many treatments for lung cancer, it depends what stage the cancer is at, and what Type of treatment you are looking for. I have pasted a few links for you to look at. The first one is about serrapeptase, it’s a non pharmaceutical drug that has been around for years and has brought remarkable healing to many people from all sorts of health conditions. It’s also for animals.

My dog had an oral cancerous tumor and after 3 weeks of being given serrapeptase, his tumor is gone.

The last link will teach you all about lung cancer.

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Q&A: Is it possible for my friend to be telling the truth about him having lung cancer?

Question by : Is it possible for my friend to be telling the truth about him having lung cancer?
My friend who lives abroad just told me over msn that he has lung cancer. he is 17 and has been smoking since he was 13.I really don’t know weather to believe him or not.. and i feel bad for doubting him but he seems to tell lies a lot and over exaggerates hims.

is it possible for him to have it?

Best answer:

Answer by brooksy1290
only if his whole family smokes and he has been around since he was a infant 24/7 i dought it

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Posted in Lung Cancer Q & A | Tagged , , , , , , , | 9 Comments

Q&A: is it possible to have serious lung disease or cancer and still be able to do rigorous cardio?

Question by yodez: is it possible to have serious lung disease or cancer and still be able to do rigorous cardio?
I have been having a stinging feeling in the right lung area, i do smoke about five cigarettes a day and i used to smoke alot of marijuana. I say to myself that nothing could really be wrong if i can withstand a four mile run, and half a mile swim, plus stationary bycyle almost daily. I had a chest xray last year which showed no disease. Would i have this kind of cardiovascular endurance and still have lung cancer or lung disease caused by smoking?

Best answer:

Answer by oracle
Depends what stage the lung cancer-in the very beginning,the early stages yes you could. Since for any tumor,cyst etc to be picked up on a X-Ray has to be a certain size why not spend some money and get a PetScan which is a test to find cancer anywhere in the body and it too has to be a certain size to be detected but much,much smaller than required by a X-Ray.Has to be ordered by your Physician , usually done as outpatient in a hospital , is relatively painfree. and covered by most Insurance Plans-why must be ordered by your Doctor. If you are really concerned about having cancer-concern that is more than usual and giving you quite a bit of stress-affecting sleep,appetite and so forth than more than likely will be recommended treatment by your doctor. It is the most certain test to date to find or not find cancer.It certainly relieved me several years back-Nice to hear that no evidence of cancer found anywhere.

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Q&A: What systems are effected when you get lung cancer?

Question by cat c: What systems are effected when you get lung cancer?
ASAP What else can happen when you get lung cancer?

Best answer:

Answer by kay_flood
the entire body is affected in one way or another. this is something you need to ask your doctor.

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Q&A: how to write a research paper about lung cancer?

Question by Guppy: how to write a research paper about lung cancer?
i don’t know where to start. where do i go to get information about lung cancer? what is a good website to find scholarly journal articles? what would be a good topic to talk about of this subject? what does a research paper include?

Best answer:

Answer by Christina
Its a huge topic, so I think you have to break it down into sections.

What is lung cancer? What are the different types? Who gets the different types? What are the causes of the various types? What is the treatment and the survival rate?

Are there controversies with lung cancer-eg what is the risk of passive smoking?

For one paper that’s a lot to cover, so I think I would concentrate on the different types of lung cancer, and how some of these are linked to smoking and others may not be. For more general papers, search for reviews and that will give you an overview of the subject.

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