Monthly Archives: October 2011

Can an ultra sound detect Lung Cancer? Or would a CAT scan or other tests be needed to make sure?

Question by WOODSEY NILES: Can an ultra sound detect Lung Cancer? Or would a CAT scan or other tests be needed to make sure? Is it possible that a person could have lung cancer for a few months or more, … Continue reading

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Mesothelioma Treatment Options

Mesothelioma Treatment Options Article by Jeff Mesothelioma is a dangerous disease that can is marked by the growth of cancerous cells on the mesothelium. Treatments for this disease can be taken … Continue reading

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Cancer symptoms

Cancer symptoms Article by Ary Martin Cancer is a cell disease occurs due to the abnormal growth of cells. It means the uncontrolled cell division and the capacity of these cells … Continue reading

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The Function Of Mesothelioma Cancer Attorney

The Function Of Mesothelioma Cancer Attorney Article by Ty Zapp Mesothelioma cancer law firm is actually a particular person trusted by the mesothelioma cancer affected people to provide their position just … Continue reading

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E-Cigarette News on Quit Smoking Products with Lung Cancer Cigarettes

E-Cigarette News on Quit Smoking Products with Lung Cancer Cigarettes Article by Kenneth G. Dockins Introduction… Aid for quit-smoking products does seem to escalate while the well known dangers of unfashionable … Continue reading

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Is there a cure for lung cancer through alternative medicine?

Question by maudie72: Is there a cure for lung cancer through alternative medicine? They just found a lump behind my breast bone in the lymph node, I’m waiting for petscan. Looking for any and all information connected with lung cancer … Continue reading

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Tips to Prevent Mesothelioma: Prevention Asbestos at Home

Tips to Prevent Mesothelioma: Prevention Asbestos at Home Article by Nathalie Fiset Did you know that mesothelioma caused by asbestos exposure can be prevented at home? Mesothelioma is an illness characterized … Continue reading

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Is Anthropogenic Global Warming really as certain as lung cancer for a life-long smoker?

Question by Dr.T: Is Anthropogenic Global Warming really as certain as lung cancer for a life-long smoker? House Democrats said Thursday that denying humans were causing climate change is like denying smoking causes lung cancer. Since the World Health Organization … Continue reading

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Long-Term Chest pain and Chronic cough is the early symptoms of lung cancer

Long-Term Chest pain and Chronic cough is the early symptoms of lung cancer Article by mouzhe Lung cancer is one of the most common diseases, What symptom does it have? Lung … Continue reading

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Mesothelioma Treatment Overview

Mesothelioma Treatment Overview Article by Andre Savoie If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with asbestos related cancer, or mesothelioma, finding the best treatment becomes a top priority. However, … Continue reading

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