Monthly Archives: July 2011

An Overview of Stage IV Lung Cancer

An Overview of Stage IV Lung Cancer Article by Erica Schnitka Any kind of cancer has no cure which means stage iv lung cancer has no cure too. We maybe aware what is … Continue reading

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The Value of Asbestos Law For the Sufferers of Mesothelioma

The Value of Asbestos Law For the Sufferers of Mesothelioma Article by Scott Jensen What is the 1st step in filing an asbestos law match?Generally check with a attorney initially. The attorney will … Continue reading

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Non-Lung Cancers Caused Asbestos Exposure

Non-Lung Cancers Caused Asbestos Exposure Article by Michael Enfield Asbestos is a material that once was extremely popular for everything from insulation to car parts. However, it has been recognized as carcinogenic to … Continue reading

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Q&A: Can Lung Cancer Affect You Mentally or Physically or Both?

Question by matthew_drozd: Can Lung Cancer Affect You Mentally or Physically or Both? I am working on a lung cancer research paper and I need to find out if it affects you mentally or physically or both. I can’t find … Continue reading

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Mesothelioma Symptom Heralds The Arrival Of A Killer Disease

Mesothelioma Symptom Heralds The Arrival Of A Killer Disease Article by Christopher Smith Mesothelioma, the cancer of mesothelium, occurs in three forms, namely, pleural, peritoneal and pericardial. The infection occurs due to exposure … Continue reading

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Biomarkers helping research teams in early lung cancer diagnose

Biomarkers helping research teams in early lung cancer diagnose Article by Jamie Francis Researchers in America believe they may have found a way to help in early diagnose of lung cancer cases, two … Continue reading

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How much cigarette is enough to cause lung cancer?

Question by Erin: How much cigarette is enough to cause lung cancer? I’ve had about 4 packs of 20 cigarettes in my life in the range of a 2 year’s time, is it enough to cause severe lung cancer? Best … Continue reading

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