Tag Archives: lung

Whats the youngest person to have ever got lung cancer ON RECORD?

Question by : Whats the youngest person to have ever got lung cancer ON RECORD? Just wondering. I’m a hypochondriac i’m 15 and supposedly have an allergen caused cough. I’m worried even though I shouldn’t. The cough has actually been … Continue reading

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Q&A: What are the chances that my Dad will make it through Lung Cancer?

Question by : What are the chances that my Dad will make it through Lung Cancer? I found out 3 days ago that my Dad has Lung Cancer. He said he has been feeling this pain for about 3 months … Continue reading

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What are the odds of passing away from lung cancer?

Question by : What are the odds of passing away from lung cancer? My dad has lung cancer and I am just concerned, any additional info. helps to. Best answer: Answer by HabibaI think it has a roughly 16% 5 … Continue reading

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who was the first person to notice lung cancer?

Question by Daniii: who was the first person to notice lung cancer? im doing a research project on lung cancer. i need to find somebody associated with my topic. I wanted to pick the first person to notice lung cancer. … Continue reading

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Q&A: What all different treatments are there for lung cancer?

Question by xox_loveme_xox: What all different treatments are there for lung cancer? What is every treatment or medication out there for lung cancer? (also if you know any reliable “.gov” or “.edu” websites that I can learn about lung cancer … Continue reading

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Q&A: Is it possible for my friend to be telling the truth about him having lung cancer?

Question by : Is it possible for my friend to be telling the truth about him having lung cancer? My friend who lives abroad just told me over msn that he has lung cancer. he is 17 and has been … Continue reading

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Q&A: is it possible to have serious lung disease or cancer and still be able to do rigorous cardio?

Question by yodez: is it possible to have serious lung disease or cancer and still be able to do rigorous cardio? I have been having a stinging feeling in the right lung area, i do smoke about five cigarettes a … Continue reading

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Q&A: What systems are effected when you get lung cancer?

Question by cat c: What systems are effected when you get lung cancer? ASAP What else can happen when you get lung cancer? Best answer: Answer by kay_floodthe entire body is affected in one way or another. this is something … Continue reading

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Q&A: how to write a research paper about lung cancer?

Question by Guppy: how to write a research paper about lung cancer? i don’t know where to start. where do i go to get information about lung cancer? what is a good website to find scholarly journal articles? what would … Continue reading

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Q&A: A good friend found out her mother has stage 3 lung cancer-How do I help her deal with this ?

Question by girlie girl: A good friend found out her mother has stage 3 lung cancer-How do I help her deal with this ? I want to be there as a friend to help her get through this and I … Continue reading

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