how long does it take to die from lung cancer?

Question by Barbara: how long does it take to die from lung cancer?
My mother is 81 and has small tumors in both lungs. She has decided against a biopsy since she doesn’t want any cancer treatment anyway. She says she would rather not even know if she has cancer. How long would it take to die if lung cancer is left untreated.

Best answer:

Answer by Susan
There really isn’t a direct answer to his question. If she wont even go to the Doctor and have it checked out with a biopsy no one really knows if she even has cancer, or what stage it is. Some spots can be benign. some forms of cancers are slow growing other forms are fast growing, Talk to your mother and let her know how important it is to have it biopsied, it could be nothing and then again it could be something easily treated. If it does happen to be cancer she will want to know even if she does nothing about it, she will needs certain medication to help her along. It would be her to chose what way she would want to go, treatment or not! If she doesn’t want to find out she will live the rest of her life thinking she has cancer and in reality she could be cancer free. That would not be a way to live the last years of her life..

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