Lung Cancer- Causes Symptoms and treatment!

Lung Cancer- Causes Symptoms and treatment!

Article by Daizy Smith

Two types of diseases are seen in the world. One is the nature made, where the climate or any of the natural deficiencies and the sudden climatic changes affects the human body. Another type is the Men-made diseases. These are the diseases that are purely created by men and neither nature nor body makes any of the inputs in the diseases to happen or to spread. We are not at all able to prevent the natural diseases cent percent but the men-made diseases are definitely preventable. They are the most horrible diseases and become dangerous once they are spread!!

One of such diseases is the Lung Cancer. Lung Cancer is the diseases that happen because of uncontrolled cell growth in the tissues of lungs. It is one of the most painful diseases as the internal mechanism gradually stops working. In the death tolls because of cancer in the world, Lung cancer is having the highest share. This disease is one of the most diagnosed cancers in all the types of cancers. Every year around 1.3 million deaths are happening because of Lung Cancer.

Lung Cancer symptoms are the shortness of breath, cough gets merged with the blood and sudden weight loss. These are the symptoms and if anyone faces any of the symptoms at any point of time for longer, the checking should be done compulsorily. The diseases can be derived by the report of chest radiograph and computed tomography scan. Both these reports can be confirmed with the help of biopsy.

Causes of Lung Cancers are the long term use of Tobacco and even the smoke of Tobacco. Smoking is the heart of Lung Cancer. The diseases can be caught faster to the people, who are smokers and the other reasons that can also cause occurrence of Lung Cancer are Genetic factors, Radon Gas, asbestos and above all the air pollution. So, the more the environment is polluted, the more are the chances of getting affected to the Lung Cancer!!

Lung Cancer Treatment can be done with the help of surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. The diseases may or may not be cured with the treatment as the results depends lot upon the stage of Cancer but after treatment the survival rate is around 15% and that also for maximum of five years. So, it is better to have the precaution rather than having diseases!!

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