What is the chance of getting lung cancer?

Question by Lace123: What is the chance of getting lung cancer?
My dad is 45 years old and turns 46 on June 21. He has been smoking ever since he graduated from college, at age 25, turning 26. So he has been smoking for about 20 years. He quit for almost a year when we first moved to America, but he started again. So about 19 3/4 years he has been smoking. He has quit now, at age 45 and he hasn’t smoked for almost a month now. What is the chance of him still getting lung cancer?

Best answer:

Your lungs start to heal themselves within days of quitting smoking. Smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer but not the only cause. It can be hereditary, chemical pollutants and several other environmental factors. Give him a pat on the back for quitting it can only lower his risk.

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