How does lung cancer relate to deficiency in the cell cycle?

Question by Kirai and Mints: How does lung cancer relate to deficiency in the cell cycle?
Am researching lung cancer for an essay. Would like to know about this to put in my essay.

Thanks! And please have answer by tonight if you can.
Am researching lung cancer for an essay. Would like to know about this to put in my essay. Please, if you answer, tell me specifically how LUNG cancer relates. I know how cancer in general relates to the cell cycle.

Thanks! And please have answer by tonight if you can.
Please, if you answer, tell me specifically how LUNG cancer relates. I know how cancer in general relates to the cell cycle.

Best answer:

Answer by Maria M
cancer is caused due to abnormality of cell division. cells divide at a much faster rate than normal and thus pile up to create cancers

thats a little bit of info i learned in my bio class.. i hope that helps

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