Q&A: Lung cancer?

Question by Lilaznboi2011: Lung cancer?
Just recently my grandma had caught pneumonia and had to be hospitalized. She was lucky that she had no fluids in her lungs when they took X-Ray of her chest. So she got discharged 2 days later with some antibiotics, but 2 days later, the doctor called and said that they had found something small in her lungs and it might be a tumor. She just recently got a CT scan and went for checkup but still havent gotten results. The doctor said she might have to go get a biopsy to see if it’s cancer or not.

Ok so here’s what I’m wondering, is there a slight possibility that it could be lung cancer or something that has to do with the lungs? She has never smoked before in her life.

Some information would be nice.

Best answer:

Answer by IHTFP
Just because one does not smoke does not make them invunerable to cancer. There are many possible risk factors for lung cancer, and there is almost always a possiblity that it is cancer. Stay calm, in the event that it is a tumor, detecting this cancer now is much, much better than waiting for other symptoms to manifest, and for the cancer to spread.

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