What is the approximate survival rate of the stage IV lung cancer?

Question by elan_longterm_invest: What is the approximate survival rate of the stage IV lung cancer?
One of my very close relatives was diagnosed to have kidney cancer on September last year. She underwent a surgery, which reportedly went very well. However, she went back to re-check this summer and was detected that the cancer has spreaded over both of her lungs. Since this September, she has been taking a medication named Gefitinib, which is supposed to be the only effective drug against lung cancer as of today.

But I would really want to know what is her real chance of surviving from the lung cancer.

Thank you very much.

Best answer:

Answer by ♥ Honesty1st ♥
Your relative is at a very advanced stage…..Although every sufferer is different it is my experience that at this stage it could be anything from a couple of weeks to a couple of months, unfortunately lung cancer is a very rapid and aggressive cancer and is not often detectable untill its later stages…hence why the survival rate/expectancy is quite low…. i send good wishes to you and your relative xx

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