Understanding Lung Cancer Survival Rate

Understanding Lung Cancer Survival Rate

Article by Micheal George

Lung cancer is a disease that starts from abnormal cell growth in the tissues of the lungs, that sometimes lead to metastasis, which is the spread from one part of organ to another. Its an illness that kills millions of people worldwide, and every day more and more people are diagnosed with lung cancer.

The most common cause of cancer in lungs is smoking. The carcinogens which is present in cigarettes are known to be the cause of damage in cells of the lungs that develop into cancer. However too much exposure to the chemicals like radon gas, asbestos and coal fumes, may also lead to a killer disease cancer.

The lung cancer survival rate is a percentage of cancer survivor in a specific amount of time. Usually statistics based it in records of a five year cancer survival rate. This refers to a percentage of people who survive cancer five years after its diagnosis. The estimated over all lung cancer survival rate is fifteen percent survival five years after diagnosis and five percent survival ten years after diagnosis. These records are based on the research that comes from information gathered from hundreds of lung cancer patient.

Lung cancer survival rate vary also in the stage of cancer . The estimated survival rates for stage 0 is 70 to 80 percent which is higher compare to stage 1 which is only 50 percent and much lower in stage 2 until stage 4 lung cancer. Survival rate depends also to the cancer type, symptoms, patients general health and whether the cancer has re-occurred.

Through cancer survival rate a doctor may understand the prognosis of the disease. The experience of the other patient in lung cancer may give an idea to a doctor the chance a cancer will be cured. Statistics of survival rate may also help doctors develop a treatment plan for its patient.

In general the number number of people diagnosed with cancer are growing every single day. Cancer in the lungs is a type of disease that hard to cure and treatments are so expensive. Oncologists are still studying for some other alternative treatment for this cancer. But the most effective way of not getting this disease is through prevention. Stay away from smoking and other harmful chemicals like asbestos and radon gas. If you feel that somethings not normal about your health, consult your doctor. Life has a lot to offer don’t let cancer ruin your life.

About the Author

Micheal George has been into writing for almost three years. He’s also a lung cancer advocate. Most of his writings are about lung cancer treatment, lung cancer survival rate , staging and diagnosis.

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