Q&A: What organizations from different countries can help patients fron lung cancer?

Question by Nina H: What organizations from different countries can help patients fron lung cancer?
The patient has no employment income and is the head of the family. He is suffering from malignant lung cancer (stage 4). Please provide any information on organizations or individuals who are willing to help or donate medicines for cancer patients. Thank you for your help and advise.

Best answer:

Answer by jackie m
I don’t know what country you are in but I stay in the UK and we have free medical treatment, stage 4 means that it has spread to other parts of the body, usually the liver and the bones and not much time left. This site is a UK site and although some people may donate money to Cancer Research they wont donate it to get the medication as it is freely available from the hospitals and the government would give him and his family sickness benefit of money every week.

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