Category Archives: Lung Cancer Q & A

How difficult is traveling with lung cancer and emphazema?

Question by Kari A: How difficult is traveling with lung cancer and emphazema? My grandmother was diagnosed with the early stage of lung cancer and enphazema (shocker: she’s a smoker). She is due to have surgery to remove part of … Continue reading

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Q&A: How often does lung cancer spread to the brain?

Question by what?: How often does lung cancer spread to the brain? My grandmother is 80, diagnosed with small call luncg cancer. She will have a brain scan this week to determine is it has spread. How often does lung … Continue reading

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Lung Cancer?

Question by math: Lung Cancer? my father died of lung cancer. the brothers and sisters of my father all died of cancer, too. am i gonna die of cancer also? is cancer heriditary? how can i protect myself? Best answer: … Continue reading

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Lung cancer?

Question by Rhonda W: Lung cancer? My old friend has cancer of the lung, gone to the bone and now into the kidneys. Realistically how long do you feel she has. She has to make it to see her son … Continue reading

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lung cancer?

Question by Zidane rocks: lung cancer? could i have lung cancer or any kind of cancer if it kinda hurts when i breath. and how do u know u have lung cancer? but i was playing in the snow outside … Continue reading

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