Choosing a Mesothelioma Doctor: Tips for Finding the Right Doctor after a Mesothelioma Diagnosis

Choosing a Mesothelioma Doctor: Tips for Finding the Right Doctor after a Mesothelioma Diagnosis

Article by Liz Ryan

If you or a loved one has received a mesothelioma diagnosis, choosing which mesothelioma doctor you will trust your care to is one of several important decisions that must be made. Review the tips offered below to find some guidelines for selecting a mesothelioma doctor who can meet your health care needs, ensure that you get the best possible mesothelioma treatment, and help you through this difficult time.

Tip 1: Find a Doctor who has Experience Treating Mesothelioma Cancer Cases

Mesothelioma cancer is a relatively rare disease. Therefore, not all doctors are knowledgeable regarding asbestos exposure, diagnosing mesothelioma, and mesothelioma treatments. It is important for mesothelioma patients to find a doctor who has experience treating patients with this disease, especially if they are interested in exploring some of the newer and non-traditional forms of mesothelioma treatment. There are several ways that you can find mesothelioma doctors, including the following:

Ask your primary care physician to refer you to a mesothelioma specialist.Ask any friends, family members, or coworkers who have dealt with a mesothelioma diagnosis if they can recommend a doctor.Contact an organization such as the Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation or the American Cancer Society and ask if they can provide assistance.

It should be noted that every mesothelioma case is different and every patient has their own unique set of needs and concerns. You may have to consult with several mesothelioma doctors before you find one that you are comfortable with.

Tip 2: Ask Your Mesothelioma Doctor the Right Questions

Before choosing a mesothelioma specialist, you should talk to the doctor and ask questions in order to learn about his or her background and qualifications. This can also help you get a sense of the doctor’s personality and character. Listed below are three key questions that you should ask a mesothelioma doctor before deciding that he or she will handle your treatment:

What kind of specialized education, training, and certification have you received related to mesothelioma and asbestos cancer?How many cases of mesothelioma cancer have you treated in your career?What kinds of mesothelioma treatment options can you provide?

It is important to find a mesothelioma doctor who you trust to provide the highest level of care possible. You need to be comfortable communicating with your doctor about any questions or concerns you may have regarding your mesothelioma treatment. It can be very helpful if your family has a good relationship with the doctor as well, particularly if your family members are taking an active role in your treatment.

About the Author

Liz Ryan is Writing and Content Specialist for IQ Mesothelioma. Visit to learn more about Choosing a Mesothelioma Doctor and search our national mesothelioma doctor directory to find a mesothelioma specialist in your area.

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