Lungs Cancer-Causes, Symptoms and Diagnose

Lungs Cancer-Causes, Symptoms and Diagnose

Article by Ali Murtaza

Lung cancer is one of the most common cancers existing in the world today. The ironic thing is that the majority of lung cancers are self inflicted through heavy smoking. As with all diseases and especially with any form of cancer is to detect the disease as early as possible so, that treatment can be given to increase the chances of survival. However, by the time the symptoms are noticeable the disease is most likely at its advanced stage. But, if the symptoms are detected early enough your odds get better.


Coughing is one of the major indicators that someone may be developing this condition. Other clear signs are a cough that worsen over time and if someone begins coughing up blood. if someone is having a serious issue with their lungs, they will experience shortness of breath. This issue is typically caused by either a tumor in the lung, blockage in part of the lung or fluid surrounding the lung. This symptom is often also accompanied with wheezing, which is caused by irritation around the lungs and may indicate the presence of cancer.

Some other symptoms are Continuous chest pains, Weight loss due to loss of appetite and High temperatures.


The main cause of the Lung cancer is heavy smoking.


Evidence of lung cancer (LC) is often detected during a routine inspection or while the doctor is taking x-rays to assess another condition. At that point, the disease is simply a doubt. It must be diagnosed before a treatment path can be designed. There are several methods to diagnose Lung cancer.

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