Malignant Epithelial Mesothelioma

Malignant Epithelial Mesothelioma

Malignant Epithelial Mesothelioma

Epithelial mesothelioma is the most common type of malignant mesothelioma, which takes account of 50 to 70 percent of cases. Actually there are three different types of mesothelioma cells: epithelial, sarcomatoid and biphasic in terms of cellular histology. Of coure, the epithelial mesothelioma also has a numerous subtypes, including:

Single File
Adenoid cystic
Signet Ring
In Situ
Small Cell
Diffuse – NOS
Histiocytoid Deciduoid
Mucin Positive
Gaucher Cell-Like
Poorly Differentiated (large cell) or Pleomorphic
Well-Differentiated Papillary

Epithelial Mesothelioma Causes

Epithelial mesotheliomas are also called epithelioid mesothelioma. The morphology of an epithelioid cell resembles that of epithelial cells, which is also a mesenchymal cell. When viewed under a microscope, the epithelioid cells looks like the line structures.

When malignant mesothelioma develops within the pleura, peritoneum, or pericardium, actually it is these mesothelial cells, a type of epithelial cell that become hazardous. Epithelial mesothelioma cells usually take a look of clear-cut, ilk shape.

Additionally there is still an important point to note: malignant epithelioid mesothelioma cells look closely like cells of another type of cancer called adenocarcinoma, which often falls in illness in the lungs or in other vital organs. When adenocarcinoma develops in the lungs, it can often extend to the pleural membrane. This adenocarcinoma cancer also originates in epithelial tissue.

For the reasons above, the adenocarcinoma patients should make the final confirm diagnosis if they have the history of asbestos exposure.

Epithelial Mesothelioma Prognosis and Treatments

According to the location and stage of the cancer, the treatment options are a slight of difference. Generally patients with malignant epithelioid mesothelioma are better diagnosed than patients with either biphasic mesothelioma or sarcomatoid, thus the epithelial mesothelioma treatment may not be as aggressive.

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