Mesothelioma is a Sleeping Monster

Mesothelioma is a Sleeping Monster

Article by Eko Setiawan

Mesothelioma is caused by asbestos. Asbestos is a naturally occurring substance. It is the strong, flexible fibers. It has been widely used in industry, because the fibers are not affected by heat or chemicals and a poor conductor of electricity are. It is estimated that more than 5,000 products or had asbestos in them.  Among the six types of asbestos used commercially only four. These are chrysotile, crocidolite, amosite and anthophyllite. Used by these accounts of asbestos, chrysotile or white for 99% in the United States. In its natural state, or contained and serviced products asbestos is not present a real danger. It is released from asbestos fibers together and it is feared.  Asbestos fibers are very thin and sharp. The fiber is 2,000 times thinner than a human hair. It is invisible to the naked eye or through a microscope. When released, the fibers remain in the atmosphere for long periods and can result in large distances. If the fibers are inhaled, they adhere to lung tissue and not by breathing or coughing excluded. Some remain in the lungs, others gravitate to the pleura.

Exposure to asbestos can lead to disease and develops over a long period of time. Diseases related to asbestos, asbestosis, pleural plaques and lung cancer.Lung cancer is lung cancer or mesothelioma itself, a cancer of the lining of the lungs. These cancers may develop 20 to 50 years.A recent article in a British newspaper highlighted the case of a consultant, has developed mesothelioma hospital. I do not remember to asbestos. It is very possible that it was unintentional, the asbestos is exposed, without his knowledge, as life fled into a nearby factory that asbestos in the atmosphere. We also know that people who have a history of exposure to asbestos have a higher risk of lung cancer in smokers. In a study of 1992 2.602 people were interviewed with lung cancer. One in eight people who were exposed to asbestos and the third still smoked. A U.S. study suggests that the Non smoking, asbestos exposure risk five times higher lung cancer. If you smoke, the risk increased by a factor of 11th Exposure to asbestos and smoking increases the risk of lung cancer 52 times that of the general population.

Now no one knows how many lung cancer caused by asbestos exposure have a long latency and that smoking remains the leading cause. Mesothelioma is by exposure to asbestos, the basis was created for many complaints of legal basis.

For the future, the United States and Europe, diseases related to asbestos will be increased gradually to a peak. For concern, however, are conflict areas. In the Middle East, where it bombed a building, or if many of the buildings bombed during the invasion of Iraq, we have an idea of how much asbestos was released into the atmosphere?

However, we are sure that during the catastrophe of 9 / 11, asbestos fibers were released. When the twin towers collapsed, there were 400 tons of asbestos in the structure. The toxic cloud that hung over Manhattan, were high levels of asbestos. It is estimated that over 100,000 people were exposed to asbestos. The highest burden was one of the first responders. Deborah Reeve was dying first, from diseases related to asbestos after 9 / 11. It was the first responders and paramedics. She died in March 2005 from mesothelioma. Experts fear that mesothelioma have much time to develop.They concluded that exposure must have excessively.

One result of the study showed that 70% of workers in the recovery that were active during and after the collapse of World Trade Center were a kind of respiratory problem. With six years of follow-up study showed that patients with respiratory diseases are the same.

I hope that the experts are predicting that in the coming years by asbestos related diseases peak and drop of new cases per year. If not, could be a sleeping monster will awaken?

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