Mesothelioma – Lets help relieve the pain!

Mesothelioma – Lets help relieve the pain!

Article by Jennie

When we think about Mesothelioma the first word that strikes our mind is Cancer. But have we ever thought, what exactly is Mesothelioma? It’s a rare cancer in the extremely thin layer of the tissue that covers the majority of organs of your body. People suffering from this disease go through severe mental and physical pain. We need to support them and also understand their pain. Below are some points that will help you understand how we can work on this.

Most of the time people who suffer from Mesothelioma experience pain due to their illness. The pain that they have depends on the stage or extent of Mesothelioma that they have and also on their tolerance power.

The cause of pain may be due to several reasons. Some are listed below:

•One reason can be the tumor that is present in their body. If this tumor is pressed against their bones or nerves or any other body part, significant pain can be experienced.

•The treatment that is given for Mesothelioma is very harsh and can be painful. Even this can cause unbearable pain to the patient.

•Also there are general pains that cannot be related to cancer. Pains like a headache or muscle ache are typical.

There are various steps that can help the pain that is caused by Mesothelioma. The patient’s doctor can help in reducing these pains in different ways like:

•Radiation Therapy •Pain medicine•Nerve block•Alternative treatments

Radiation can help in relieving pain as it reduces the size of the tumor present in the Mesothelioma patient’s body. Radiation Therapy can be combined with chemotherapy and/or surgery.

Even pain medicines offer relief in Mesothelioma pain. It is safe to use any medicine if you use it properly and under observation of a doctor or a nurse. Some pain killers can be purchased without a doctor’s prescription and for some a prescription is mandatory. Most of us are always worried of getting addicted to these medications but this happens rarely.

The nerve block is a process where a doctor injects alcohol into the area around the nerves near the lungs to block the pain of Mesothelioma.

There are alternative treatments like massage, acupuncture and acupressure that can help decrease the pain of Mesothelioma.

It is always good to communicate openly with your doctor or nurse about the pain of Mesothelioma. The better you communicate the better they can understand. You can also share each others views about the medicines that help you get relief from the pain and the ones which do not. For more information on Mesothelioma pain you can contact your doctor, pharmacist or a social worker.

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