Lung Cancer Symptoms – Early Warning Indicators and Symptoms

Lung Cancer Symptoms – Early Warning Indicators and Symptoms

Cancer from the lung is often a sort of disorder in which the cell tissues with all the lungs in the system start out developing almost always as well as constantly. Ordinarily, the growth of cell tissues is uncontrollable. This cancer is one of the most generally witnessed kinds of cancer typically resulting into death. 1 amongst the critical will cause of lung stated is cigarette smoking. Smoking outcomes in 87% of probabilities of cancer. Early diagnosis of cancer results in us with quite a few hope of helpful solution. As a strategy to detect carcinoma from the lung within the earliest possible stage, an person should be effectively mindful of one’s cancer with the lung indicators or symptoms.


Essentially essentially the most regular cancer signs and symptoms are as follows: ( lung cancer symptoms )


Dyspnea signifies challenges connected to inhalation of breath. Lack of breath could possibly be the earliest stage cancer signs or symptoms. Dyspnea is once the cancer individual feels problem throughout the aspiration and exhalation of breath. The affected individual feels choked that is cannot breathe correctly for any short time frame.


Hemoptysis is once the affected individual outcomes coughing blood. With each other with typical coughs, the affected individual outbursts blood while coughing. This may be most likely one of the most well-known cancer indicators and signs and symptoms and is also absolutely an alert alarm also for that individual to understand which the situations are obtaining even worse.


Continuous coughing problems around an prolonged time period which demonstrates no correct final results even just immediately after right remedy could be other cancer signs and symptoms. Coughing issues inside a cancer impacted individual though are standard nevertheless it follows no normal patterns. It can enhance and reduce considerably like on its own.


Chest discomfort is among the substantial kinds of cancer indicators discovered. Each and every single carcinoma of the lung individual grievances of steady chest discomfort or even discomfort from the decrease component with the abdomen. Intense or excruciating discomfort is surely an indicator of even worse situation of cancer in the lung cancer symptoms effects.


Cachexia or loss of bodyweight is really a severe sign of cancer. Tiredness or sense of nausea frequently gives indicator of serious cancer cases. Rigorous loss of appetite about it even worsens the scenario. It definitely is amongst 1 of probably the most alarming cancer signs or signs and symptoms in a person.


Dysphagia refers to your state exactly where the patients sensation issue in swallowing. Ache even though swallowing foods as well as swallowing the saliva down gets to become complicated for that individuals. Dysphagia despite the fact that may be handled by medicines but will not have an impact on cancer treatment completely.


So, following time you notice a affected person with connected Lung Cancer Symptoms, ensure you obtain him checked by way of the professional medical doctor as soon as you are able to.

jake kudy ,thirty years old writer experienced on health (Lung cancer symptoms) , from jerusalem

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Mesothelioma – Early Detection is a Matter of Life or Death

Mesothelioma – Early Detection is a Matter of Life or Death

Article by Rick Hendershot

Mesothelioma is a relatively rare form of cancer where cancerous cells develop in the mesothelium — a protective sac that covers most of the body’s internal organs. Like most cancers, early detection of mesothelioma greatly increases the chances of beating the disease.

But early detection is more difficult with mesothelioma because it has a long dormancy period of 30 or 40 years in which the cancer remains fairly inactive and causes very few symptoms. When the disease passes into its active phase it rapidly spreads to the internal organs such as the lungs, heart and abdominal organs. In its active phase it is very difficult to treat successfully because it develops and spreads so quickly.

Causes of mesothelioma

Mesothelioma was barely in the public eye until a few years ago. It has a very specific cause — exposure to asbestos. And the dangers of asbestos exposure were not widely acknowledged until the 1970s and 80s when its serious health implications could no longer be ignored.

As often happens in cases involving commercial products with harmful side effects, there was tremendous resistance to acknowledging its dangers. In the case of asbestos, it was a product that had some very important properties that made it ideal for insulation applications.

During the first half of the previous century, right up until the mid 1970s asbestos was the default material used to retard heat transfer in buildings, machines, heavy equipment, and a broad range of commercial applications. Because it was plentiful and inexpensive to mine, asbestos was widely used in building products such as home insulation, floor, ceiling and roof tiles. It was also used in commonly found commercial products such as brake linings and pipe insulation.

This meant that millions of people were coming in contact with asbestos on a daily basis. And since the effects of exposure to asbestos fibre often do not become apparent for 30 or 40 years after prolonged exposure, there often appeared to be no immediate health risk. This was especially important in the case of workers who mined and processed asbestos. Although workers were regularly getting sick and often had premature, painful deaths, the long period of dormancy of mesothelioma made it difficult to make the connection to asbestos.

Even short term asbestos exposure will cause mesothelioma

Generally, the probability of developing this form of cancer is directly related to the length of time you are exposed to asbestos. The health risk also increases with the intensity of the exposure to asbestos.

However, an exposure of as little as one or two months can result in mesothelioma 30 or 40 years later. At the age of 48, Canadian Member of Parliament Chuck Strahl, was recently diagnosed with mesothelioma and traces the cause back to changing brake pads on logging equipment after he graduated from high school. Strahl’s case is a good example of the fact that Mesothelioma has a latency period of anywhere from 20 to 50 years. Like thousands of others he developed the disease long after his exposure to asbestos.

Symptoms of mesothelioma

Because of its long dormancy period, mesothelioma is often not detected until it enters its active, aggressive stage. Pleural mesothelioma – cancer of the lung lining – causes shortness of breath or chronic coughing. Unfortunately these symptoms can easily be mistaken for allergies or a common cold. And in fact this form of mesothelioma is often discovered by accident when patients think they have one of these more common illnesses. Other symptoms of pleural mesothelioma may include chest pain, chronic coughing, shortness of breath, fatigue, wheezing, hoarseness, weight loss, or blood in the phlegm from the lungs when coughing.

Peritoneal mesothelioma affects the lining around the stomach and intestines and is usually just as dangerous. Symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma include pain or swelling in the abdomen, weight loss, bowel obstruction, anemia, and fever.

Treatment of mesothelioma

Unfortunately, by the time most infected people become aware they have mesothelioma it has ceased being dormant and becomes extremely aggressive. Once it is no longer dormant, this type of cancer can travel quickly, and this makes it almost impossible to stop.

While there are treatments that are available in order to keep the patient comfortable, there is currently no cure for mesothelioma, and as many as 75% of those who develop the disease will lose their life within one year. The remainder may last for up to an additional six months.

Among the treatments that are used in order to reduce the effects of the disease are oxygen, postural drainage and pain killers. A wide range of treatment approaches are being tested, ranging from attempts to fortify the body’s natural immune system to gene therapy which tries to attack the problem at the DNA level. Other alternative treaments such as homeopathy, herbs and acupuncture have also been tired. But none have yet been shown to be very effective once the disease reaches the aggressive stage.

Given the generally poor prognosis for people who do not catch the disease in time, early detection is the best defence against mesothelioma. If you have worked in an industry such as construction or suspect that you may have been exposed to asbestos, be alert for symptoms and contact your doctor immediately. Like all forms of cancer, detecting mesothelioma at the earliest stage possible greatly increases your chances for survival.

For more information about the causes, symptoms and early detection of mesothelioma visit

About the Author

Rick Hendershot is a writer and publisher of The Linknet Publishing Network featuring article writing and distribution and Power Listings to promote your products or services.

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Causes of Lung Cancer

Causes of Lung Cancer

The greater the intake of cigarettes, the higher the chances of developing lung cancer.

Cigarette smoke is the major culprit and not just cigarettes. The reason why is that cigar and pipe smokers are at lesser risk of developing lung cancer than cigarette smokers.

Second hand smoke is another cause of lung cancer. Passive smokers who inhale second hand smoke have a higher risk of developing lung cancer than non-smokers who do not associate with smokers.

Asbestos is another cause of lung cancer. This is due to the continuous presence of asbestos fibers in the lung tissue of people until their deaths.

Also, asbestos causes mesothelioma which is a cancer of the pleura of the lung. It is a form of lung cancer.  This is a major ailment that afflicts those with long term exposure to asbestos. Many mesothelioma sufferers have successful sued U.S corporations and have won large settlements.

Radon gas is a gas that is radioactive in nature and those exposed to it suffer the risk of mutations which can become cancerous. Radon gas is a gas existing in nature and its concentration varies from one location to the other. It can penetrate through soil and leach into homes. Radon gas is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States.

Pollution from factories, cars and power plants is another cause of lung cancer. Exposure to polluted air increases the risk of developing lung cancer. Do you know for instance that car exhaust is more carcinogenic that cigarette smoke?

Knowing the above causes of lung cancer should instill in us a dread of cigarette smoking. We must also stay clear of asbestos and confirm radon gas levels in our homes.

It is advisable you consult your doctor if you notice any symptoms of cancer.

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Mesothelioma Cancer Stages Explained

Mesothelioma Cancer Stages Explained

Mesothelioma cancer is a type of cancer that attacks the lungs and chest cavity. Also known as asbestos lung cancer, it forms deadly tumors where mesothelial cancer cells form a protective lining over the lungs, heart, and abdominal organs. It is a type of lung cancer that takes many years to develop and produce symptoms. Roughly 3,000 cases per year (mostly men over the age of 40) are reported. It is estimated that number will grow to about 300,000 cases before 2030.

Types of Mesothelioma Asbestos Cancer

Epithelial mesothelioma is a rare and fatal form of cancer affecting the membrane lining of the chest cavity, heart, lungs, and abdominal cavity. There are three forms of epithelial mesothelioma: the most common is Pleural Mesothelioma, the second most common, Peritoneal Mesothelioma (accounting for only a quarter of the cases), and the rarest form, pericardial mesothelioma.

Pleural mesothelioma, the most common type of this disease involves the pleura, a thin membrane located between the lungs and the chest cavity. The pleura provide a lubricated surface so that the lungs do not rub and chafe against the chest walls. There are two types of pleural mesothelioma the first being ‘diffuse and malignant’. This type is cancerous and is generally fatal within a year of diagnosis. The second type is ‘localized and benign’ and is generally non-life threatening. It can usually be removed through surgery.

Lung Lining cancer is not to be confused with lung cancer. In lung lining cancer, the effected area of the body is called the mesothelium, a thin membrane that covers many of the internal organs of the body. The mesothelium of the lungs is called the pleura. Lung Lining cancer is also sometimes called mesothelioma after the area in which it occurs.

This thin membrane is comprised of two layers – one that surrounds the organ and another that forms an exterior sac around the first layer. Between the layers of the mesothelium is a fluid that allows vital organs to glide easily against objects that come in contact with them.

Localized pleural mesothelioma is not always caused by asbestos exposure. However, if it has spread to other parts of the body, for instance the lymph nodes, lungs, chest wall, or abdominal organs, then it is considered malignant and is more often than not the result of asbestos exposure.

Peritoneal mesothelioma appears as a tumor in the peritoneum membrane of the abdomen. This type of mesothelioma is very rare, comprising less than a fourth of all known cases of the disease. There are no effective treatments for this condition, and most patients live less than a year after diagnosis.

Mesentery cancer is likened to peritoneal cancer (mesothelioma). This cancer primarily affects the sections of the peritoneum that attach different organs to the wall of the abdominal cavity, (i.e. mesogastrium for the stomach, mesojejunum for the jejunum). Mesentery cancer includes all abdominal peritoneal extensions. Tumors rarely originate in the actual mesentery, though it is a frequent route for the spread of mesothelioma through the abdominal cavity.

Pericardial mesothelioma is the rarest form of mesothelioma, affecting the membrane around the heart (called the pericardium or pericardial sac). In this disease, solid masses and effusion (fluid) develop around the pericardium. Not all effusions are strictly related to mesothelioma.

The Causes

Mesothelioma cancer is caused by exposure to asbestos fibers or dust. Workers in the asbestos industry are prime targets for attracting this deadly disease. Asbestos fibers enter the body, either by breathing in the tiny asbestos fibers or by swallowing them. The fibers cause healthy cells to mutate into cancer. Since the body is unable to dispel these fibers, the lungs become inflamed (asbestosis). This condition worsens and eventually becomes malignant. Asbestos exposure is thought to be responsible for roughly 75% of all cases of lung lining cancer.


Mesothelioma is a very difficult cancer to detect in early stages. The early symptoms tend to be generic and even nonexistent in some cases, and it can take as much as 15 to 50 years after exposure to develop. The first symptom is often constant chest pain, followed by coughing, lung damage, and shortness of breath. Patients who have peritoneal mesothelioma (a less common form of mesothelioma) generally experience abdominal pain, loss of appetite, nausea, and abdominal swelling, often in addition to the symptoms of pleural mesothelioma. They may also develop bowel obstruction or further breathing obstruction.

Stages and Diagnosis of Mesothelioma

There are three staging systems used to determine treatment for mesothelioma: Butchart System, TNM System, and the Brigham System

Butchart Staging System

The Butchart System is the oldest system and the most common. This system concentrates upon determining the extent of primary tumor mass and divides mesothelioma into four stages.

Stage I of the Butchart System consists of the presence of mesothelioma in the lining of the right or left lung and may also involve the diaphragm on the same side. Stage II includes the progression of mesothelioma into the chest wall, esophagus, or lung lining on bother sides. There may also be lymph nodes in the chest. The onset of Stage III begins when the mesothelioma surpasses the diaphragm into the lining of the abdominal cavity or peritoneum. In this stage the cancer may also affect the lymph nodes extending beyond those in the chest. Doctors identify Stage IV, the final stage, when evidence of the spread of cancer to other organs (metastasis) is confirmed.

TNM System

Stage I of the TNM System involves the lining of the right or left lung, pericardium, or diaphragm on the same side. At this stage, lymph nodes are not involved. Stage II begins when mesothelioma spreads from the lining of the lung on one side to a lymph node on the same side. At this stage, the cancer may also spread to the lung, pericardium, or diaphragm on the same side. Stage III begins when mesothelioma is present in the chest wall, muscle, ribs, heart, esophagus, or other organs in the chest on the same side as the primary tumor. In the final stage, Stage IV, the mesothelioma has travelled into the lymph nodes in the chest on the side opposite the primary tumor, into the lung opposite the primary tumor, or directly into the organs in the abdominal cavity or neck. Metastasis is the final result in this stage.

Brigham System

The Brigham System determines the resectability (the ability to surgically remove) the mesothelioma mass. In Stage I the tumor is resectable, while lymph nodes remain unaffected. In Stage II the tumor remains respectable but the mesothelioma affects the lymph nodes. In Stage III the tumor becomes unresectable. It has penetrated through the diaphragm, or peritoneum. Stage III can occur with or without lymph involvement and extends into the chest wall and heart. Stage IV occurs when doctors discover metastatic disease involving distant organs.

After doctors identify the stage of a patient’s malignant mesothelioma, the patient and doctor consider the various treatment options available. Mesothelioma treatment programs are contingent upon many factors, including the stage of the cancer, the location of the cancer, the spread of mesothelioma cancer, the characteristics of the cancer cells under a microscope and the patient’s age and concerns.

To learn more about PLEURAL MESOTHELIOMA, please visit my blog

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Lung Cancer…?

Question by BlackIronZepp666: Lung Cancer…?
My grandfather was recently diagnosed with lung cancer. The strange thing is, he had a PET scan about a year ago, and it showed nothing cancerous. He also said he had no irregular breathing. I have not seen the PET scan myself, so i cant pass any judments. Is any of this common? And what is the survial rate for lung cancer?
It was also a PET scan that discovered his cancer this time. He had Pancreas cancer 2 ears ago, but that was taken care of.

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Answer by david
hmmm… i guess you have a good point there.

but it is sort of an ecumenical matter…

read this if you don’t understand

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Secondary Lung Cancer Cures are Rare

Secondary Lung Cancer Cures are Rare

Cancers that can spread from their original locations are called secondary cancers. This process, called metastasizing, moves the cancers through the bloodstream, lymphatic system, or by direct extension to a new location. One or many of the cancerous cells of the primary cancer (where the disease originated) can break off and slip into the bloodstream or lymphatic system to reach other organs.

Cancerous cells in the lungs as well can appear there without having originated there; in children, cancers of the lungs usually manifest through this process. Cancer that appears in the lungs but did not originate there is called secondary lung cancer. Even though it affects the lungs, secondary lung cancer is named  according to the type of cancer it originated from, the primary cancer. For example, breast cancer that spreads to the lungs and becomes secondary lung cancer would still be considered breast cancer.

While nearly every type of cancer has the ability to metastasize and spread to the lungs, some do so more commonly than others. Secondary lung cancer is usually a result of bladder, breast, prostate, or colon cancer. Sarcoma, Wilms tumor and neuroblastoma also tend to migrate to the lungs.

Secondary lung cancer, in addition to being a disease in itself, is also usually an indication that the primary cancer has reached an advanced stage, though this is not always the case. Signs of secondary lung cancer include persistent cough, breathlessness, coughing up blood, and chest pain. These symptoms, in addition to being similar to those for primary lung cancer, also mimic several less serious diseases. A diagnosis of secondary lung cancer may therefore require x-rays, CT scans, MRIs, PET scans, or biopsies.

Symptoms of secondary lung cancer can interrupt daily activities for sufferers. But there are ways to manage and treat the symptoms. Medication can help address symptoms such as breathlessness, cough and chest pain. Other symptoms must be managed by the patient through awareness. Some patients begin to fear they will choke, due to their increased difficulty with breathing, but should be aware that this is unlikely. Others may be distressed by coughing up blood, but should know that coughing up a little blood is not unusual to patients with secondary lung cancer. Only those coughing up large amounts of blood need to seek treatment for this symptom.

Secondary lung cancer can also cause a build up of fluid in the lungs, a condition termed pleural effusion. This fluid may be drained out of the lungs to relieve pain and difficulty breathing, though it may build up again over time.
Treatment for secondary lung cancer is similar to that for primary lung cancer, and includes surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. However, in secondary lung cancer in particular, chemotherapy is the preferred treatment option. This is because secondary lung cancer is an indication that the primary cancer has spread into the bloodstream. In such cases, removing visible tumors through surgery is not effective, as other cancerous cells can be present in the body without being visible. Chemotherapy can target even those cells CT scans cannot see, making it the most common treatment choice.

However, a cure is unlikely and the five-year survival rate for those diagnosed with secondary lung cancer is not promising. The cancer can sometimes be cured via surgery, but this outcome is rare.

Adam Bradley is a book publisher. While doing research on asbestos; he was shocked by the amount of poor information. His research team compiled a directory of agencies, medical centers and groups that provide real help to the victims and families. He offers a free 15 part Mini-Course to help as many as possible:

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Mesothelioma on the Rise in the UK

Mesothelioma on the Rise in the UK

Article by Mesothelioma treatment

It is a rare cancer disease with cases that has been increasing significantly in the UK every year. It is caused by exposure to asbestos. A person contracts the disease either through contact with the skin or cloth or, worst, through direct inhalation. It has been diagnosed that it takes years and years before the disease eventually manifests and starts destroying the body. Upon contracting the disease, the malignant cells start lining the chest cavities, abdominal region, and the surrounding areas of the heart.It takes years – sometimes decades – before the cancer patient shows indications of suffering from mesothelioma. The progression from diagnosis to a chain of eventual degeneration is quiet long and very erratic. This is the reason why experts find it difficult to get accurate data concerning this disease.Asbestos exposure of one single member in the family can already be detrimental because the disease could quickly contaminate all other household members. No matter how small the contamination is, the percentage of infection would still be very higher. At present, it is reported that about 3000 patients have been confirmed as having the disease and about 1,700 mesothelioma cancer patients die every year.Smokers are more susceptible to mesothelioma. However, there are those who contract the disease who are declared to be smokers even if they are not. The signs and symptoms of mesothelioma are very common. Chances are at the very first time that symptoms manifest, they are ignored or simply dismissed as those of an ordinary illness. The reason why a patient’s health could decline quickly is the lack of proper and immediate treatment owing to this.The typical symptoms that denote the severity of a patient’s condition are: dyspnea, pleuritic pain, lingering cough, unreasonable weight loss, frequent collapse of strength. Not all mesothelioma victims exhibit symptoms before the terminal stage is reached. But it is a must that a thorough check up must be done by an expert to get an accurate assessment.

About the Author

I am a health care professional who writes about mesothelioma at””>Mesothelioma Straight. My latest post is here: Mesothelioma Details and Findings

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Lung Cancer?

Question by Jocelyn: Lung Cancer?
what lifestyle changes can you make to prevent the disease?
what can you to to improve your health once you have lung cancer?
what problems or health related issues do you have to watch out for once you have the disease?
any alternative methods that might help this disease?

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Life Expectancy Lung Cancer Patients Have

Life Expectancy Lung Cancer Patients Have

Depending on how early one acquires a diagnosis, life expectancy lung cancer patients have will differ. Another factor will also be the stage of the cancer once it has been diagnosed. However, thanks to new advances in technology and science, life expectancy lung cancer patients have has been significantly increased during the past ten years.

Lung cancer kills. Through the years, millions have died of this dreaded disease. People who love to smoke and fail to quit once they’ve noticed changes in their health are prone to acquire lung cancer. Smoking is the number 1 cause for lung cancer, accounting for up to 85% of deaths, and many times the lung has already been too damaged to save.

The form of treatment that patients get also is a determining factor for life expectancy lung cancer. Here are some facts from recent research and studies on the subject:

• Generally, life expectancy lung cancer patients are quite low. However, the earlier the detection, the better the chances of survival. Most times, the disease is fatal, and those who survive will have to deal with several methods of pain management and a controlled environment in order to avoid absorbing other chemicals in their surroundings. Those who are dealing with a short life expectancy lung cancer will need to also be watched and monitored regularly.

• Radiation can raise the life expectancy lung cancer from 20 months up to 42 months if thermal ablation followed after therapy. The combination of thermal ablation therapy with radiation made the survival rate much higher than choosing just either treatment alone.

• For stage IIB of lung cancer, surgery is a common method of treatment. During this stage, the tumors block the bronchioles and cause lung inflammation. There is better chance of survival for patients who are able to detect their cancers in stage II or earlier to have it removed by surgery.

Stage 3 lung cancer already affects the nearby organs such as the heart, diaphragm, backbone, and chest wall, making it more difficult to treat. At this stage, treatment options are usually chemotherapy and other non-surgical treatments that are regularly done to target and reduce the cancers as much as possible. Remission may occur, but the patient can still enjoy a few more months of life expectancy lung cancer.

• During stage IV of cancer, it has already multiplied to various areas around the body and will be more difficult to treat. During this stage, life expectancy lung cancer is very low, and it cannot be cured. Treatment options are simply provided to help patients manage pain, such as chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery, but the patient may only have a few months to live.

Anyone diagnosed with a short life expectancy lung cancer is truly a sad thing, and it’s best to avoid the highest risk factors for acquiring the disease. The best way to avoid life expectancy lung cancer is to quit smoking, avoid second hand smoke, and exposure to pollution and harmful chemicals that may also cause lung disease.

Neelima Reddy, is an author and publisher of many health related websites. To learn more about lung cancer. Lung cancer information includes overview of lung cancer, lung cancer types, how to get lung cancer information, lung cancer research and tumor.  Visit: Lung Cancer Info Guide

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mesothelioma pictures

mesothelioma pictures

Article by Cliff Cain

Peritoneal mesothelioma occurs in the lining of the abdominal cavity, known as the peritoneum and pericardial mesothelioma originates in the pericardium, which lines the heart.An individual may be at risk to develop mesothelioma if he or she was exposed to asbestos in the workplace or at home. Mesothelioma is caused by exposure to asbestos and the inhalation of asbestos particles. In most cases, mesothelioma symptoms will not appear in an individual exposed to asbestos until many years after the exposure has occurred. Those with a past asbestos exposure history experiencing symptoms should consult a physician with experience in accurately diagnosing mesothelioma. The earlier mesothelioma is diagnosed, the more likely it is to be caught at an early stage. At earlier stages of mesothelioma progression, more treatment options are available and oftentimes a better prognosis is given. Additional mesothelioma information and statistics can be found in this section.Mesothelioma TreatmentOnce an individual has been diagnosed by a qualified mesothelioma doctor, the next step is to discuss mesothelioma treatment options and to develop a treatment plan. Recent scientific research has produced significant breakthroughs with regard to treatment protocols for mesothelioma patients and more options are now available for managing mesothelioma and supporting improved quality of life. Newly diagnosed mesothelioma patients often have many questions for their doctors about the treatment options that would be most effective for them. Conventional treatment options for mesothelioma include surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. Recently, chemotherapy drugs including Alimta® and Cisplatin have showed promising results in some patients.Mesothelioma clinical trials as well as experimental treatments are other options that certain mesothelioma patients may be eligible to participate in. Our site features a comprehensive mesothelioma cancer treatment section that includes important information for patients and families. We’ve included resources on top mesothelioma experts such as Dr. Sugarbaker, as well as a comprehensive list of cancer centers where mesothelioma treatment takes place. Beyond the conventional treatments for mesothelioma, certain alternative therapies may provide assistance to mesothelioma patients. We continually update this section of our site as new mesothelioma treatment information becomes available. Check back often to read about the most recent advances.Asbestos Exposure and CancerAsbestos exposure is the primary cause of mesothelioma cancer. Inhaled or ingested asbestos fibers may cause an inflammation of internal tissue and disrupt organ function which leads to the development of mesothelioma. Asbestos products were used extensively throughout the 20th century in a wide variety of applications. Asbestos companies continued to produce these products even after they were known to be hazardous and harmful to workers and their families. Many of these products were responsible for asbestos exposure sustained by both the individuals who manufactured the products as well as those who used them at commercial, industrial and military jobsites. Renovation and construction both at home and in schools and other public facilities also posed high risk areas for asbestos exposure.Asbestos related cancer is common among military veterans who we exposed on naval ships, in shipyards and at military bases. Naval ships where exposure occurred include aircraft carriers, battleships, destroyers, submarines, warships and others. Some prominent shipyards where asbestos was prevalent include Brooklyn Navy Yard, Norfolk Navy Shipyard, Philadelphia Naval Shipyard, Long Beach Naval Shipyard and Hunters Point Naval Shipyard. At commercial and industrial locations including refineries, power plants, steel mills, auto production facilities and large construction sites, many workers were put at risk.

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