Overview of Treatment Options For Lung Cancer

Overview of Treatment Options For Lung Cancer

Article by Elizabeth Lynette Perkins

Lung cancer (LC) can be treated successfully if it is diagnosed before the cancerous cells spread to other areas of the body. For the non-small cell version of the disease, doctors will usually suggest surgery as the primary form of treatment. However, curing the disorder with surgery is only possible if the diseased cells remain localized. Once they metastasize, other approaches become necessary.

Below, we’ll briefly describe the most common forms of treatment for killing cancerous cells. You’ll learn how doctors rely upon toxic medications, radiation, light, and surgery to control and cure the disease.

Cytotoxic Medications

Cytotoxic medications are used during chemotherapy. These are drugs that either kill abnormal cells that are dividing or prevent them from spreading further. This is the reason patients will often lose their hair or become nauseous following the sessions. The cells that are associated with hair growth and the stomach divide normally. The chemicals stop them from dividing.

Chemotherapy is a systemic approach. It is used after lung cancer has metastasized, which makes it a common adjunct form of treatment when localized measures are insufficient. In cases where LC has advanced to later stages and is incurable, the medications are often administered to prolong the patient’s life.

High-Energy Radiation

This form of treatment uses radiation to eliminate cancerous cells. The radiation disrupts the cells’ DNA structure, thereby preventing them from dividing. While normal cells can be damaged, most of the impact is delivered to diseased cells.

Radiation therapy is a localized approach. It is often administered in conjunction with surgery (described below). Doctors might use the high-energy rays to eliminate any remaining diseased cells following surgery. It can also be used to shrink the tumor prior to surgery.

This treatment is typically administered five days a week for six to seven weeks. There are two ways to deliver the radiation. It can be delivered externally with a machine that focuses the radiation on a predefined area. It can also be delivered internally through a procedure called brachytherapy.

Photodynamic Therapy

When lung cancer exists near the air passageways, doctors will occasionally administer photodynamic therapy. A medication called Photofrin is injected into the body; it accumulates in diseased cells. A bronchoscope with a small light attached on its end is inserted and guided to the site of the tumor. Photofrin is activated by exposure to light. Once activated, it begins to kill the affected cells. After two or three days have passed, a bronchoscope is directed to the site to extract the dead cells.

Surgical Removal Of The Affected Tissue

Surgery for lung cancer comes in three forms: wedge resection, lobectomy, and pneumonectomy. The approach taken by the surgeon is dictated by the location and size of the offending tumor.

A wedge resection is a procedure during which a single piece of the affected lung is extracted. The removed portion includes the tumor as well as a slim border of unaffected tissue.

A lobectomy is the type of lung cancer surgery most often performed. It is defined as the extraction of a single lobe of the affected lung.

In cases where the cancerous cells have spread throughout the lung tissue, a pneumonectomy is performed. This procedure is defined as the removal of the entire lung.

Which Form Of Treatment Is Appropriate?

As noted earlier, surgery as a sole method of curing LC is only effective if the disease is diagnosed in its early stages. Radiation therapy and surgery, both localized approaches, are often done together. Once the diseased cells have begun to spread, chemotherapy must be used to kill them.

Your physician will ultimately decide which form of treatment is appropriate given the disease’s staging and the influence of other medical conditions. If you are suffering from late stage lung cancer, chemotherapy or laser therapy may be administered to help reduce your symptoms.

About the Author

Find the right doctor for lung cancer treatments. Early diagnosis can lead to successful results. Visit http://www.cvtsa.com/

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lung cancer???

Question by dgafdaveo13: lung cancer???
ok first off im 21 years old and ive been having this problem for a while now and would like some professional opinions.

here is whats going on. i have shortness of breath at points its like im getting no air. pain in between the right shoulderblade and spine, a two swollen lymphnodes in my upper neck. a dry cough not pruducing much of anythiing (ie mucus) there is some though but not the nasty green kind just stick spit. pain in the shoulder that radiates down the arm. my chest feels clogged especially in the morning. fatigue and some loss of appetite. wheezing. some times when i swallow it feels like i have a toothpick wedged between my food pipe and lung. there is a localized sore spot where it just feels ray in my lung on the right side. i had a chest xray done 3 mo ago “in april” it came back clear but im freaking out i have most the symptoms of lung cancer what could this be i dont really feel sick at all like physically so ahh !!!!!.

Best answer:

Answer by Gerry
Get on the internet and look up lung problems!

What do you think? Answer below!

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Mesothelioma Symptoms? The Easy Way

Mesothelioma Symptoms? The Easy Way

Mesothelioma symptoms is a cancer caused by the inhalation of asbestos fibers, particles or dust. Mesothelioma sometime begin as a lot of tiny lumps (nodules) in the pleura, sometime it may not show up on scans or x-rays until they became big.

One of the main symptoms of pleural mesothelioma are breathlessness, chest pain, swelling of the face or neck, difficulty swallowing and pain in the lower abdomen. some people notice that their voice is becomes hoarse and they have consistence cough that sometime refuse to go away.

Some of the Victims of asbestos related diseases like mesothelioma may not notice the symptoms for some years, even up to 40 to 50 years after they contacted the disease.

Due to late discovery of the symptoms some of the patience are always astonished when they diagnosis them of Mesothelioma. this disease is a dangerous and deadly disease and it can destroy ones life if you don’t discover it early and deal with it.

But the good news is that there are many medications and treatment for Mesothelioma that you can use to deal with this deadly diseases.

Anytime the cancerous cell start to grow and enlarge to some level a lot of different symptoms may occur. Sometime if the doctor did not discover the asbestos they may diagnose it and attribute it to other illnesses.

So it is advice able to contact an experience doctor when you begin to experience any symptoms that related to mesothelioma.

As they say health is wealth so it is important you take care of your health
If you have been diagnosed with this health condition, you need to report to the next course of medical condition immediately without wasting further time.

Pay attention to this, Click here  http://www.mesotheliomaattorneys.co.cc to learn more

Article from articlesbase.com

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3 Potential Small Cell Lung Cancer Symptoms

3 Potential Small Cell Lung Cancer Symptoms

Article by Tom Parker

There are two main types of lung cancer; small cell lung cancer (SCLC) and non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Of these two types, SCLC represents around 20%. It is often nicknamed oat cell carcinoma due to the oat like appearance of the small cells of the lungs. SCLC develops when these small cells start to grow in a rapid and uncontrollable way and eventually become malignant (cancerous). Since this cancer affects the lungs this is the area where most of the symptoms manifest. In this article I will be discussing three of the most common small cell lung cancer symptoms.

1) A PERSISTENT COUGH:- If you notice you have a cough that does not seem to go away it could be a sign of SCLC. A lot of coughs will have no other symptoms than a dry, hoarse, itchy feeling in the throat. However, some coughs result in phlegm and blood coming up. Other coughs can even cause pain. You should inform your doctor if you notice any type of persistent cough and if any phlegm or blood comes up you should inform them right away. The cough may be down to something much less serious but it may also be an early warning sign of SCLC. Your doctor will be able to perform a number of tests and give you a professional diagnosis.

2) BREATHLESSNESS:- Feeling breathless for no apparent reason is another potential small cell lung cancer symptom. This can often lead to you feeling tired and lacking in energy whilst performing every day tasks such as walking down the street. Regardless of whether the breathlessness comes on gradually or suddenly it should be treated with suspicion. If you notice yourself becoming short of breath for no logical reason go see your doctor and explain your concerns. They will then be able to identify the cause of the breathlessness and determine if it is linked to SCLC.

3) CHEST PAIN:- Chest pain is a very serious symptom which is linked with a number of conditions including SCLC. The chest pain may be caused by coughing or deep breathing. However, you may also experience constant or spontaneous chest pain. Any type of chest pain should be treated with extreme caution and you should go see your doctor right away. They will then be able to perform a number of tests to identify the cause.

Many of the symptoms of small cell lung cancer are linked to the chest. Although the above symptoms are not exclusive to SCLC, they do usually act as early warning signs. If you notice any of the symptoms discussed above you should inform your doctor right away. They will be able to investigate any suspicious coughs or spontaneous chest pains and determine if they are linked to SCLC. This type of cancer is much more treatable in the early stages so it makes sense to act on any potential symptoms early and go see your doctor.

Whilst every intention has been made to make this article accurate and informative, it is intended for general information only. Small cell lung cancer is a very serious, life threatening condition and you should discuss any concerns, treatments or lifestyle changes fully with your doctor.

About the Author

Tom Parker owns and operates a number of useful fitness resources and websites. You can learn more about small cell lung cancer and how improving your fitness can help prevent cancer by visiting his Free Fitness Tips Blog

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Lung Cancer?

Question by Mommy to Joshua: Lung Cancer?
I just found out…. about 30 minutes ago that my Aunt has Lung Cancer. I’ve looked it up and done some reading. but my brain is kind of “moosh” right now since the news. has anyone on here delt with lung cancer? known someone? had it and survived? I guess what I’m also wanting to know is, How many people Live and how many people Die….


Best answer:

Answer by ann,s
no i do not know any one who had lung cancer to get peace with it try reading a bible ask god for guides and keep praying for your aunt and i will pray for her be there for her

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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Facing Mesothelioma Without a California Mesothelioma Attorney

Facing Mesothelioma Without a California Mesothelioma Attorney

The diagnosis of mesothelioma will leave the victim in California in a state of eternal problem. Mesothelioma is a serious illness is difficult to resist, and there are many issues that, unfortunately, there are on this path.

The absolute best chance in California mesothelioma victim to minimize the stress and frustration is finding the best mesothelioma team there. This includes the mesothelioma doctors, and highly qualified California mesothelioma lawyer.

Find the best mesothelioma Attorney in California can be a problem, and the more information you are armed, the more chances you have to find a mesothelioma lawyer that is right for you. One of your main priorities is to know.

Knowing all that you can know about mesothelioma, the current California mesothelioma laws that will treat you and your mesothelioma case, and knowing that other people in your area to determine their mesothelioma representation can draw pictures of what your mesothelioma prosecutor should be able to do for you.

Although California mesothelioma lawyers should definitely be more knowledgeable than you when it comes to the rights of mesothelioma, with enough information to know whether the mesothelioma attorney you interview has a solid knowledge base can help you determine the powers of the prosecutor.

Find a good lawyer mesothelioma is that search. Search results in things like the use of the Internet, meeting with several California mesothelioma lawyers, as well as determining which mesothelioma lawyer has the best chance to represent you within the law and aggressively as possible in your interests as their top priority.

So often, whether it be doctors, lawyers, consultants, and we pull a name from the phone book, make an appointment, and just assume that we have found a professional quality for your needs. Find highly skilled professionals will require more effort than that. Keep in mind that there are two types of mesothelioma lawyers. California mesothelioma claims, as a rule, will be awarded or settled fairly high.

Jury Prize in California mesothelioma claims have historically been very high. Some mesothelioma lawyers who are interested in seeking justice for their clients, and they are naturally compassionate and caring and sensitive about the process to become the best mesothelioma lawyer, perhaps they can become. The second type of mesothelioma lawyer interested mainly in the proportion of very high mesothelioma settlements and awards.

This type of mesothelioma lawyer will be devoid of compassion and sensitivity for mesothelioma victims journey, and their needs. This is usually noticeable immediately, whether or not you have met professionally, but sympathetic to discuss your mesothelioma case, or if you have met the callousness and lack of basic integrity. Good mesothelioma lawyers understand this disease, complications, and also the most difficult you will face even greater than you. A dissociated mesothelioma Attorney simply plastered the word “mesothelioma lawyer” in accordance with his or her name in the phone book.

Word of mouth is an excellent form of mesothelioma lawyer research. For the most part, victims of mesothelioma can offer each other tips for finding capable of California mesothelioma lawyer. Keep in mind that each case is different and every person is unique, and there are cases where a referral from a fellow mesothelioma victims simply do not suit you. This is a good thing. Most of the time, however, mesothelioma victims could be really useful in helping each other find these highly recommended mesothelioma lawyers.

It is advisable to insist on mesothelioma prosecutor gives an accurate history, which may allow you to evaluate their basic performance report. Study results declared himself can be a bit of time, but when it comes to integrity and honesty, the study is of great importance. Mesothelioma lawyers basically honest, but you do not want to risk ending with the mockery of the profession.

The study selected the mesothelioma lawyer can take some time, and mesothelioma victims and their families do not have enough time, but the time needed to study quality mesothelioma lawyer is invaluable considering the time and financial resources that could be lost if this study does not completed.

Facing mesothelioma, California mesothelioma lawyer, you can not rely on just the tasks that lie ahead in the fight against mesothelioma complicated. You may need your mesothelioma to speak on your behalf if you are not able to do so, and does not have an established and trusted relationships with mesothelioma Attorney for the start, which could make an impossible situation.

This is not the time to pull a random name from the phonebook. Treatment for mesothelioma Attorney Search California as well as the search for the ideal employee is the only way to feel confident to allow you to focus on other matters relating to your health, rather than babysitting your lawyer.

Article from articlesbase.com

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What is Lung Cancer and Why it Happened ?

What is Lung Cancer and Why it Happened ?

Lung cancer is a cancer that forms in interlining cells of air passages. Main types are small cell lung cancer and other one is non small cell lung cancer. These types are based on how the cells look under a microscope. In US, in 2009 new lung cancer cases are estimated to be 219,440 and estimated death rates are 159,390.

What are the different signs and symptoms of a lung cancer?

A lung cancer symptom is always varied and depends upon the widespread nature of tumor. Warning signs of a lung cancer are not always easy to recognize for identification. A person having a lung cancer may have the following types of symptoms.

First of all, a person can have no symptoms to be identify.But, many people develop symptoms, which are, in fact, the results of primary tumor, effects of tumors, which are metastatic by nature and develops in other parts of a body, hormonal disturbance or other symptoms that are caused by cancer.

Symptoms of a primary lung cancer basically include chest pain, shortness of breath and cough with blood. A cough in new smoker or old sessions in him should be evaluated by a physician. Cough with blood is called hemoptysis occurs in a large number of people having lung cancer.

One fourth people having lung cancer suffers from a chest pain. The pain is basically persistent, aching and dull and can also involve in it other structures that surround the lung. Breathe shortening results from any blockage in lungs that prevents normal free passage of air through the lungs. Hoarseness and wheezing usually signal the inflammation in the lungs that may go with cancer. Repeated infections related to the respiratory tract like pneumonia or bronchitis are also the signs of a lung cancer.

Metastasis to bones is also common with a small cell cancer. Lung cancer that has been metastasized to bones may cause pain in bones, mostly in the backbone, the ribs and the thigh bone. Lung cancer which spreads to brain may cause difficulties in person’s vision and seizures or weakness on the other side of a body.

Article from articlesbase.com

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Five Things You Should Do if Diagnosed With Mesothelioma

Five Things You Should Do if Diagnosed With Mesothelioma

Article by Shane Lima

A mesothelioma diagnosis is one of the most devastating medical news a patient can receive. Mesothelioma cancer develops in the lining of large internal organs, spreads throughout the body and often kills the patient. While a mesothelioma diagnosis might be overwhelming, the patient can do several things to cope better with this new reality.

1. Receive a Detailed Diagnosis & Prognosis From Your DoctorAfter the initial trauma of receiving a mesothelioma diagnosis has eased, discuss your diagnosis and prognosis with your doctor. He or she will explain what type of mesothelioma you have, which organs are affected and how far the cancer has spread. The doctor will also help you understand how the cancer might progress and how the mesothelioma treatment will affect your body. Finally, the doctor might show you statistics of similar cancer patients to help you understand what might happen in the future.

2. Create an Effective Pain Management PlanMesothelioma cancer sometimes can cause significant pain and discomfort. Pleural mesothelioma, the most common type of mesothelioma, often causes fluid retention in the lungs. This might feel very uncomfortable. If the tumors enlarge and press against the nerves, the patient might feel pain in various parts of the body. However, today

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Lung Cancer Radiation | Lung Cancer Radiation and the One Minute Cure

Lung Cancer Radiation | Lung Cancer Radiation and the One Minute Cure

Lung cancer radiation therapy may be used to treat non-small cell carcinoma in addition to surgery, or for patients ineligible for surgery. Surgical removal is the preferred treatment for localized non-small-cell carcinomas (those that have not yet spread). Part or all of the affected lung may be removed. For both non-small-cell and small cell carcinomas, a combination of chemotherapy and radiation or radiation alone may be used to treat localized disease. Chemotherapy is used to treat extensive disease.


Lung cancer radiation and prevention


Homes may be tested for radon using a kit available in most hardware stores. Abstain form smoking; try to limit your exposure to second-hand smoke and air pollution.


Recommended diet and nutrition in preparation for lung cancer radiation therapy


Vitamin E and C, beta-carotene, selenium, and the B vitamins have also been associated with a decreased risk of lung cancer. Shiitake mushrooms contain lentinan, which may also offer protection. Diet high in fruits (including tomatoes) and vegetables is associated with a greatly reduced risk of lung cancer.


Vitamin E and C and beta-carotene all work together, and when taken together, the potential adverse side effects are counteracted. Selenium, lycopene, lutein, and glutathione have been associated with a reduced risk of lung cancer.


If you have, or are worried about developing lung cancer, it is very important that you do research on lung cancer radiation therapy and other lung cancer treatment options. For effective prevention, protection and treatment that we have not discuss above. We highly endorsed the trusted and proven “One Minute Cure for Cancer“. A potent and effective all around holistic alternative therapy and is recommended by almost 15,000 European doctors. Take the time to discover and study this one why it is hidden from the public.


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One Minute Cure for Cancer








john daniel rivera is an advocate for natural health and healing, and has been in the field of health for quite a few years. He is interested in illuminating individuals and helping others return to a better quality of health.


Article from articlesbase.com

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Q&A: Lung Cancer?

Question by Debbie W: Lung Cancer?
I just found out that my dog has lung cancer.The vet says because of her age that doing any kind of treatment is not recommended. I need to know if there is any other treatment out there other then radiation?

Best answer:

Answer by DANIELA P
No there isn’t…I’m sorry about your dog but you shouldn’t let her suffer.
My dog had brain cancer and I had to put her to sleep…I think that would be the best option.
You don’t want her to suffer, do you?

Add your own answer in the comments!

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