Types of cancer treatment you can get with medical tourism companies

Types of cancer treatment you can get with medical tourism companies

Article by Pardhi Media Marketing

These days the technology has improved immensely. Now you can find medicines and cures for diseases like cancer also. But there are also certain conditions for it. On the whole if you see the overall expenses that come for the treatment of such disease then you might have to spend your lifetime income over it. But there is no need to fear as these days you have great option for cancer treatment in which you are able to save lots and lots of money. Have you heard about the medical tourism? Well this is an upcoming market in which one is able to do all such treatments that are very expensive in a very reasonable way along with making a trip to a new place. In medical tourism few nations that have a bit low standard of living are chosen and the treatment for illness is being conducted over there. These are places where the overall budget for going for a medical treatment is very less compared to your state. And this is the reason one is now able to save money to a greater extent. Cancer is one such disease which can be treated with the help of the medical tourism companies. These companies offer you much reasonable rates for the cancer treatment. There are many different kinds of cancer that one can have. You can get treatment for many types of cancer. Some of the types of treatment for cancer that one can get with the help of such company are mentioned below. It is very important for you to have a look at the below mentioned points carefully so that you will get a clear idea as to what exactly you want to do.

Bone cancer is a very common thing these days. With the help of this one can now go for transplant of bone marrow which is the best cancer treatment in this case. In addition to this you can also treat brain tumor or breast cancer in this option. Chemotherapy is the best cancer treatment one can opt for in order to remove the cancer. These companies also offer you this treatment at a very reasonable cost. Lung cancer can also be successfully treated here. Surgical oncology and also radiation treatment are very profound and most chosen option for cancer by many people.

These are certain treatments for cancer that you can think of as of here. You might also have many more treatments and you can get details about them with the medical tourism company you choose.

About the Author

Planet Hospital is a medical tourism company that offers the most reliable sources and treatment options for cancer treatment and other Affordable Surgery.

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What steps are necessary to diagnose lung cancer?

Question by conlund: What steps are necessary to diagnose lung cancer?
I have a friend whom says she has lung cancer. I actually don’t believe her. She is only 42 yrs. old. She said she has the opinion of 3 doctors. My mom had lung cancer and she didn’t know for sure till they did a biopsy. This friend hasn’t had a biopsy. Is it possible to know you have lung cancer without a biopsy?

Best answer:

Answer by hermitcrab_rescue
Diagnosing Lung Cancer

To help find the cause of symptoms, the doctor evaluates a person’s medical history, smoking history, exposure to environmental and occupational substances, and family history of cancer. The doctor also performs a physical exam and may order a chest x-ray and other tests. If lung cancer is suspected, sputum cytology (the microscopic examination of cells obtained from a deep-cough sample of mucus in the lungs) is a simple test that may be useful in detecting lung cancer. To confirm the presence of lung cancer, the doctor must examine tissue from the lung. A biopsy — the removal of a small sample of tissue for examination under a microscope by a pathologist — can show whether a person has cancer. A number of procedures may be used to obtain this tissue:

Bronchoscopy. The doctor puts a bronchoscope (a thin, lighted tube) into the mouth or nose and down through the windpipe to look into the breathing passages. Through this tube, the doctor can collect cells or small samples of tissue.

Needle aspiration. A needle is inserted through the chest into the tumor to remove a sample of tissue.

Thoracentesis. Using a needle, the doctor removes a sample of the fluid that surrounds the lungs to check for cancer cells.

Thoracotomy. Surgery to open the chest is sometimes needed to diagnose lung cancer. This procedure is a major operation performed in a hospital.

……….Lung cancer is difficult to detect early because symptoms usually do not appear until the disease is advanced. Symptoms depend on the location of the tumor and can include persistent cough, hoarseness or wheezing, shortness of breath, sputum streaked with blood, recurring bronchitis or pneumonia, weight loss and loss of appetite, and chest pain.

Physicians use several techniques to diagnose lung cancer, including the following:

Imaging Tests
Chest x-rays, computed tomography (CT) scans, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) help locate abnormal areas in the lung.

Low-Dose Helical CT
A technique called low-dose helical (or spiral) CT may offer a novel approach for diagnosing lung cancer by exposing the patient to less radiation than a conventional chest CT scan while allowing the doctor to see areas of the chest normally obscured in a standard x-ray. Memorial Sloan-Kettering is now studying the effectiveness of low-dose helical CT in a clinical trial. Outside of New York, the National Cancer Institute has begun a multi-center study of the technology.

Combined PET/CT Scans
Memorial Sloan-Kettering’s radiology department includes the best combined PET/CT imaging technology available in the United States. This is particularly important in imaging lung cancer, which can be difficult to identify on a regular CT. To address this situation, a PET (positron emission tomography) scan, which picks up the metabolic signal of actively growing cancer cells in the body, is run simultaneously with the CT scan. This improved imaging capability provides for superior treatment planning because the details of the tumor are better defined.

Bronchoscopy & Biopsies
A sputum sample can be analyzed for the presence of cancerous cells. Doctors may perform a bronchoscopy, which allows them to examine the bronchial passages using an instrument called a bronchoscope. This is a small tube that is inserted through the nose or mouth, down the throat and into the bronchi. During the procedure physicians may remove some tissue for analysis.

A modified form of bronchoscopy called autofluorescence bronchoscopy, which can detect early invasive cancers not seen with standard x-rays or white-light bronchoscopy, is being used to detect very early lung cancer.

To examine areas of the lungs that are not accessible during a bronchoscopy, physicians may perform a needle biopsy (“fine needle aspiration” or FNA) to remove a small sample of tissue for analysis.

Give your answer to this question below!

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A ray of hope in case of a dead end: Cancer treatment

A ray of hope in case of a dead end: Cancer treatment

Article by Alex Smith

Cancer is among one of the most famous suffering that the human civilization has come across. Today most of the people in the world face a situation of helplessness as they find themselves convicted under the realm of cancer which eventually provides them a slow and painful death. With the growing civilization of science and technology, certain full hearted attempt have been made in order to provide some resistance against this misery, yet the might of such still prevails. cancer treatment has been recently a pressing issue where most of the doctors have made valiant efforts in trying to combat cancer.

Causes of cancer :Today the most common cause of cancer is erosion of the lungs. Lungs act as a vital organ in the human body which carries out the respiratory part in the human body and as we all know without respiration, human would suffocate and die. The most alarming issue today in case of the main cause of cancer is smoking. cancer treatment can be effective only if smoking can be avoided, but still the same is easier said than done as people are addicted to smoking. Smoking reduces the ability of lungs to perform in the most efficient way and added to it, it also makes the lungs weaker. cancer treatment works on repairing the damaged lungs and allowing them to perform in a better environment.

Types of cancer :There are several types of cancer as cancer can be caused from other sources also in form of direct contact of the sun rays, etc. the most prominent categories in such cases are as lung cancer, the cancer which takes in form of lung damage, cervical cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, skin cancer and liver cancer. All these kinds of cancer develop in their own unique way and affects different organs in the body.Types of cancer treatment : To be very specific, the cure of cancer is uncertain and there is a very small percentage in favor of such. In spite, there are two ways of cancer treatment namely, scientific cancerous treatment and ayurvedic The first category, that is, the scientific cancer or leukaemia treatment compromises of employing various scientific operations in form of radiation therapy, surgery or chemotherapy. These are basically based on using the modern techniques to counter attack the growing cancer.

On the other hand, the ayurvedic cancer treatment falls under a different category. The treatment works on by implementation of herbals and yoga for removing the defects of cancer. The herbal treatment compromises of consumptions of various herbs which tend to reduce the effect of cancer without any side effects. Yoga, on the other side, keeps the body and mind in a positive atmosphere which provides the required vigor to fight against cancer.

A comparison :Though both types of treatments in true sense are an effort to abolish cancer from the body of the patient, yet each of them have different ways to act upon it. The scientific tumour treatment is quick but has side effects; on the other hand, the ayurvedic cancer or tumour treatment is slow but has no side effects.Hence there are options available and one should go for the treatment according to his or her needs and budget as the scientific cancer treatment proves to be on the costlier side.

About the Author

Useful information on types of cancer, cancer treatment options including causes, symptoms and prevention methods.

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Deadliest Mesothelioma Cancer

Deadliest Mesothelioma Cancer

Article by Agatha Simona

Mesothelioma is an infrequently encountered type of cancer which appears in several divisions. All the divisions are designated by the particular area of the body that it involves. Mesothelioma cancer’s four major divisions are:Pleural Mesothelioma: This occurs in the thin membrane that surrounds the lungs; it is the most commonly diagnosed form.Peritoneal Mesothelioma: Generally, this one surrounds the thin membrane around the abdomen.Testicular Mesothelioma: is the rarest form of Mesothelioma cancer, andPericardial Mesothelioma: It appears in the membrane that surrounds the heart and is the most deadly form.Occurrence of Mesothelioma Cancer, its Detection and Source Mesothelioma cancer is discovered in more than 2,100 people in the U.S. every year. Its origin is asbestos exposure; the fibers can be either inhaled or ingested. It is very difficult to discover Mesothelioma cancer in its victims as the warning signs imitate the indicators of many ordinary ailments. Mesothelioma is not the first thing that comes to mind when a doctor encounters the symptoms of this cancer. Latency Period of Pericardial Mesothelioma Cancer The latency period is the period between the cause of an illness and the discovery of its apparent indicators. All Mesothelioma cancers have a long latency period that lasts many decades and this makes discovery very difficult. Most patients who are diagnosed are generally in their mid sixties and seventies. Pericardial Mesothelioma, the most lethal form of this cancer has a high latency period as well. Historically, fewer than 150 cases of this type of cancer have been documented in medical journals and only 200 cases have been detailed internationally.Symptoms and Treatment of Pericardial Mesothelioma Cancer The warning signs of pericardial Mesothelioma can be: difficulty in breathing, discomfort in the chest, heart palpitations, and an unrelenting cough. Treatment for this type of Mesothelioma is only palliative in nature i.e., the treatment is done to improve a patient’s comfort, and decrease the harshness of symptoms. The majority of patients diagnosed with this type of cancer are not good candidates for surgical procedures as this kind of surgical procedure is very risky because of the close proximity to the heart. There are extremely uncommon cases where the illness is discovered early enough for limited surgical procedures to eliminate minute concentrated pericardial growths.Prognosis of Pericardial Mesothelioma CancerPericardial Mesothelioma cancer at present has no cure and is almost always lethal. Following its discovery victims hardly ever survive longer than 12 to 24 months and about half die within 6 months of diagnosis. Advances in research may improve this prognosis in the next decade. Additional Information on Pericardial Mesothelioma Numerous sources of additional information exist on Pericardial Mesothelioma. Patients and their families can ask their healthcare providers or their team of doctors for more information. Many websites, books, and associations dispense information on Pericardial Mesothelioma. For more answers to your questions on Mesothelioma cancer get in touch with these sources.

About the Author

Mesothelioma cancer patient resource with questions and answers about mesothelioma, a deadly cancer caused by asbestos exposure.

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Why does it matter where you get lung cancer?

Question by : Why does it matter where you get lung cancer?
Why does it matter where you get lung cancer? It kills all the same.

Best answer:

Answer by Carol
I had my left lung removed due to small cell carsinoma. I am a
non smoker. And you can also get lung cancer from asbestos
but I use to work in a smokey casino in las vegas. but I got it
and I am not going to give up My lung was removed July 2004.
So never give up. And if you have a family member with it I would
recomend that he or she see a onicologest and do treatments
as well as surgery if they can. But never give up because of the
word Cancer…

Give your answer to this question below!

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Recovering with New York Mesothelioma lawyer

Recovering with New York Mesothelioma lawyer

Article by Dean McDurmont

Now, since one point comes out to be clear that Mesothelioma is a malignant form of cancer that is infected because of asbestos inhalation. And this leaves the patient dependent, only to wait for the end of his life. For some, who happen to develop the symptoms earlier; they might have the chance to get the best possible medical help that would enable them to come out of the disease. Though, this is the case; still, the victim legally has the right to declare the compensation. Apart from this, he can also file a swindler case on his employer with the help of New York Mesothelioma lawyer. Now, the task of searching out for a specialized New York Mesothelioma lawyer has to be thought about. In this direction, you can search out for the same over internet. Well, internet is the right kind of place that has empowered people to find out just about anything. Be it about lawyer, permissible consultancy or buying any product, everything is present.

Places where people may be bared due to their work are in railroads, building manufacture, factory, shipyard industries, automotive among others. Also, it is known that when you wash the clothes of somebody who is working with asbestos firm, you may be at risk for developing mesothelioma too. From numerical analyses involving several legal cases with New York mesothelioma lawyer, the jobs that have the maximum risk of developing this type of cancer are: boilermakers, mason, painters, boiler operators, plumber, automotive mechanics, pipe fitters, crane operators, insulators, metallurgists, shipyard workers, cement plant workers. If you are joined with any of these firms, then you are advised to find a good lawyer to help fight for your legal rights, if you have got the disease. Victims only average about one year of life after specific diagnosis. If you are suffering from this disease, then the best way to discover your legal rights and compensation in a mesothelioma case is to find a superior New York mesothelioma lawyer.

Because of the type of this disease, it is often very difficult to treat and can show to be fatal. In fact, the symptoms and tumors of mesothelioma generally do not form until at least 10 years (and as many as 40 years) after exposure. It is because of the length of time it takes for the tumors to form, an accurate initial diagnosis is difficult to come by. The initial symptoms include squatness of breath, coughing, nausea, loss of hunger, fatigue, and blood in the phlegm. Since many of these symptoms mimic those of bronchitis or pneumonia, it is common to obtain that diagnosis. Unluckily, early diagnosis is vital to a successful outcome. Diagnosing mesothelioma in its complex stages often results in a poor heal rate and the person becomes eligible for filing lawsuit with New York mesothelioma lawyer. Due to the costly medical expenses and the nature of the disease, sufferers of asbestos exposure can be entitled to large lawful settlements from the employer or company that caused the asbestos exposure. These settlements cover medical costs and pain and tormented payments.

About the Author

Dean McDurmont is a master of law, who has expertise in handling Mesothelioma and other medical malpractice lawyer New York cases. With more than 8 years of experience, he has been able to do justice to numerous victims. Read more: http://www.nbrlawfirm.com

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What is Lung Cancer Staging?

What is Lung Cancer Staging?

Article by Corbin

The first thing that your doctor should do if you are diagnosed with lung cancer is lung cancer staging. Lung cancer staging is a method of evaluation on determining the stage of cancer and the original position of a tumor. Through this process physicians will determine which treatment should be done to a patient. It will also show the chances or the survival rate of a person who has this illness.

Lung cancer staging is done based on pathology report from the tissue that has taken during bronchoscopy, biopsy, blood test, and imaging tests.

Bronchoscopy is a process of seeing the inside of the airways or the lungs. An instrument called bronchoscope is inserted usually through the nose or the mouth in order to examine the airways for abnormalities such as inflammation or tumors. Bronchoscopes are usually rigid metal tubes which has lightning device with real time video equipment.

Another test on lung cancer staging is biopsy. Biopsy is a test that involves removal of cells or tissues for examination. The removed tissue from the subject will be then examined by the pathologist.

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Exclusive Medicinal Therapies Made Possible with Mesothelioma Lawyer

Exclusive Medicinal Therapies Made Possible with Mesothelioma Lawyer

Article by Dean McDurmont

New medicinal therapies for mesothelioma include immunotherapy which is very efficient. The reason why it is effective is because it goes to the base of disease deterrence in the body. Biological response modifiers help in improving the invulnerable system of people thus making it possible for the body to rid of the cancerous cells of the mesothelioma. The society knows the legacy that has been left here from overture to asbestos and a heroic, strong group of citizens, who has suffered directly and indirectly, are determine that no one else around the world will endure from exposure to asbestos. Asbestos disclosure is known to lead to a number of diseases, including the deadly Mesothelioma cancer, which affects the inside layer of the heart, lungs and chest. At present, there is no treatment for Mesothelioma, but help is available to all victims and their families to seek righteousness with the help of Mesothelioma lawyer. If you or a loved one have been uncovered to asbestos or are by now suffering from Mesothelioma cancer, speak to a Mesothelioma lawyer at once.

A Mesothelioma lawyer is skilled in assisting patients to fight with this unprincipled condition and get the compensation for excellent medical facilities. It has been logically confirmed that the major cause of this type of cancer is revelation to asbestos. Data and medical observance suggest that workers using this unsafe material in their work are most likely to come in contact with this type of cancer. Still, people are bared to asbestos for different reasons, such as staying in a building wadded with this material, can also build up the situation, even though they are at lesser risk. After exploratory your case, the Mesothelioma lawyer will inform about whether you have legitimate legal reasons to get recompense. He should also be able to guide you about the ways to sue your employer, who is the manufacturer of asbestos or another party. With the assist of Mesothelioma lawyer, after diagnosis, medical bills can be irresistible and once verdict is achieved a patient has his family to consider as well. There are legitimate options available for such neglected victims to help attain justified compensation.

These lawyers give their valuable assistance predominantly for filing legal suits against companies which are negligent about the health and well-being of their workers and do not provide plenty protection to them. Here we are talking about those companies which use asbestos for insulation of their buildings (as it is cheaper), and since coverage to asbestos fibers for long time can lead to mesothelioma cancer, this is serious issue of negligence. Mesothelioma lawyer can provide legal advice and help victims get monetary returns for treatment of this disease by filing lawsuits against the employers who were responsible for the disease by not providing safer work environment. Some lawyers might be money minded and charge you heavy honest fees to take up and handle the case. You must not hire such lawyers if you are from poor milieu and cannot afford to pay their fees. So check out for a lawyer who is good and suits your finances.

About the Author

Dean McDurmont is a master of law, who has expertise in handling Mesothelioma and other medical malpractice lawyer New York cases. With more than 8 years of experience, he has been able to do justice to numerous victims. Read more: http://www.nbrlawfirm.com

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Can single inhalation of baby talc powder cause lung cancer?

Question by : Can single inhalation of baby talc powder cause lung cancer?
Can single inhalation of baby talc powder cause lung cancer?
I was at my friends’ place with my 3 years old kid. My kid found a talc baby powder and was shaking the bottle up and down and creating lots of dust close to his face when I saw him. I am not sure how much he inhaled of it, but he was coughing later for few hours. Next day he was fine. I never used baby powder or any other talc powder because I know that it has been linked to cancer and breathing problems. Should I worry about my kid?

Best answer:

Answer by joe1234s
He’ll be fine. It isn’t like he’s smoked for 30 years of his life or anything.

What do you think? Answer below!

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Is Your Cancer Treatment Really a Cure?

Is Your Cancer Treatment Really a Cure?


Our Blog “Your Natural Cancer Cures” is gaining recognition and accolades for being a very useful and informative natural cancer cure and alternative cancer treatment resource for its readers. My research on this topic has discovered that there are many claims being made about different substances, including drugs, herbs, supplements, and/or treatments, and various therapies, actually “curing” cancer, when in reality, they are ONLY treating one or more of the many SYMPTOMS of cancer, much like what the Medical Industry is well-noted for doing.

I hope that the explanation I present in this article will enable people to clearly and quickly identify any substances and/or treatments that actually cure cancer, versus those that only treat one or more symptoms of cancer, and need additional help to become part of a real cure. I believe that this distinction will prove to be invaluable for my readers in considering and evaluating ANY treatment, therapy or individual substance represented as being a “cancer cure”. If they don’t address the primary cause of cancer, i.e. oxygen deficiency, then all of these substances and therapies are in fact, just treatments of cancer symptoms.

As I have already discussed in an earlier article: the primary cause of cancer is a deficiency of oxygen. In fact, it has been discovered that when a healthy cell is deprived of 60% or more of its necessary oxygen, it will become cancerous! Also, as previously mentioned, we have polluted our world so much, such that the air we breathe is only about 20% oxygen, and it is physically impossible for us to get enough oxygen in our body cells by just normal breathing! So, I think that it is safe to say, that if we manage to create a highly oxygenated environment for our cells (in addition to breathing), that we will actually prevent our healthy cells from becoming cancerous, and at the same time destroy the cancerous cells that already exist! Whatever can accomplish this ONE task: increasing oxygen to our cells, can officially be called a cure for cancer. I listed some of the cures that I discovered in my research, like Oxygen Therapy, Ozone Therapy, and 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide. All of these treatments can officially be called cures for cancer because they directly address the fundamental and primary cause of cancer – oxygen deficiency.But you may ask, “What about all these other “natural cancer cures” we see populating the Internet and that seem to work?”

Well, if the body is oxygen-deficient for extremely long periods of time, then the cancer cells continue to grow and multiply, rather than being destroyed and eliminated by the immune system. This creates secondary and tertiary symptoms in the form of abundant duplication of cancerous cells, increased toxins, tumor formation, and the attraction of various germs, bacteria, pathogens, and many other anaerobic micro-organisms, just to name a few. From my research I’ve discovered that most of the so-called “natural cancer cures” really address the secondary or tertiary symptoms of cancer, rather than the primary cause, which is oxygen deficiency, and until the primary cause of cancer is addressed, there will always be the chance that when using these various “symptomatic cures”, that the cancer will return again, unless specific steps are taken to address the primary cause –oxygen deficiency!

There are many substances like drugs, herbs, chemicals, treatments, etc. that actually kill cancer cells, but that action alone does not make ANY of them a Cancer “Cure”, for the simple reason that they do not address the primary cause of cancer – oxygen deficiency! What this means is that even if you kill all the cancerous cells in your body, when you allow yourself to remain oxygen-deficient, then there’s a good chance that more cells will eventually become cancerous in the future, and you’re back where you started! By the same logic, if you remove all the toxins from the body by using a great body-cleansing product, or herb, and not address the primary cause, then even more toxins will be created by the massive number of cells still becoming cancerous, as well as the attracted number of anaerobic micro-organisms that will take up residency in the oxygen-deficient body organs and tissues. If you electrically “zap” all of the anaerobic micro-organisms in the blood stream, as suggested by Dr. Robert Beck (see article and video “Blood Electrification For Alternative Cancer Treatment”), new ones will eventually appear again (and Dr. Beck actually discovered this exact result with AIDS patients!) because of the continued oxygen-deficient environment still present in the body. In other words, all of the “symptomatic cures” that address the secondary and tertiary causes of cancer do not address the primary cause of Cancer and therefore should NOT be classified as Cancer Cures!

When I discovered the videos with Charlotte Gerson speaking in depth about The Gerson Therapy, I immediately classified the Therapy as a cancer cure, even though I could not see how the Therapy solved the problem of oxygen deficiency! But after thinking considerably about this necessary distinction I had made between things that cure cancer and things that only cure cancer symptoms, I had to ask myself this burning question…

“How is it possible that a 100% Raw Organic Fruit and Vegetable Diet could be classified as a Natural Cancer Cure?”

Yes, I understood that the Therapy solved two major problems, the nutritional deficiency and toxic build-up, but I didn’t exactly see the relationship between the Therapy and oxygen-deficiency, which I had already determined previously, was an absolute MUST for any Cancer cure to be effective over time!

So, for the past few weeks, (though I haven’t expressed it until now), I’ve been in this seemingly conundrum. I thought that I might find the answer in Dr. Baroody’s book, “ALKALIZE OR DIE”, but surprisingly, I didn’t find the answer there. However, by divine guidance, I was directed to “Ask Jeeves” and typed in “What is A Cure?” And somehow, I miraculously ended up at a website entitled “Understanding Cancer and Cancer Cells”, and I began to read and discovered the EXACT ANSWER to my dilemma!! (Boy, I really LOVE the Internet!!)

For the answer to that question that has tormented me for weeks, we have to understand a little bit of chemistry. It is a chemical fact that alkaline solutions with a pH over 7.0 tend to absorb oxygen, while acidic solutions (pH below 7.0) tend to expel oxygen. When the body becomes acidic, even mildly, oxygen is driven out of the body. While the only acidic fluids in our bodies are stomach fluids (HCL) and urine, all other body fluids, especially blood, are supposed to be mildly alkaline at pH 7.4, so that they are able to absorb oxygen on a continuous basis. Blood MUST stay alkaline at pH 7.4, so that it can absorb oxygen from the lungs and retain its oxygen until it passes the oxygen on to all the cellular tissues, by traveling through the arteries and tiny capillaries throughout our bodies. When the proper mineral consumption is in the diet, the blood is supplied with the crucial minerals required to maintain an alkaline pH of 7.4. However, when there is a deficiency of minerals in the diet, your body is forced to remove those crucial minerals, such as calcium, from the saliva, spinal fluids, kidneys, liver, etc., in order to maintain the blood pH at 7.4. This, in turn, causes the mineral deficient fluids and organs to become acidic, and therefore, also oxygen deficient, which we already know causes cancer, as well as just about every other disease!

Consequently, I am satisfied, and can NOW understand the upmost importance of maintaining, not only a diet rich in Alkaline Foods, but to make sure as much as possible, that these foods are Organic, in order to maximize the variety and relative abundance of enzymes, vitamins, and especially minerals, that are absolutely essential to cure our body of oxygen deficiency! So, if you think that all of the Oxygen Therapy methods discussed are too uncomfortable, too expensive, or too nauseating, then the next best real cure for cancer is 100% Raw Alkaline Organic Food!

Now, after discovering this new information about how alkalinity benefits the body in relationship to Oxygen, I feel confident and ready to research the true benefits of Alkaline Water: Is it a real Cure, or just another “Symptomatic Cure”? From a casual glance, it seems that it should be a genuine Natural Cancer Cure, but that remains to be seen… so stay tuned!


About the Author

Annie Pierce is committed to teaching millions of people about natural cancer cures and how to NOT die from cancer and lead a cancer-free life-style!

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