Nutrition and Healthy Foods During Cancer Treatment

Nutrition and Healthy Foods During Cancer Treatment

Article by Rojerwil

When you’re getting treatment for cancer, your body is under assault — both through the cancer and the treatment itself. So it is more important than ever to make sure that you’re having the nutrition, vitamins, and minerals you have to stay strong.

But sometimes during cancer treatment, eating anything is difficult. While chemotherapy is notorious for causing nausea, other cancer treatments — from surgery to radiation — can also affect how you eat. The psychological stress alone will interfere with your appetite. Cancer of the lung signs and symptoms are not knowledgeable till the condition had advanced, occasionally delaying diagnosis. The signs and signs of lung cancer also mimic the twelve signs and symptoms of other benign illnesses.

In addition, the whole perception of “good nutrition” may be fired up its head when you are in cancer treatment. “Eating healthy can often mean something quite different during cancer treatment pc does before or after,” says Rachel Zinaman, MPA, RD, of Memorial Sloan-Kettering’s Evelyn Lauder Breast Center.

So what is good cancer nutrition? And exactly how can you eat correctly when eating could be the last thing you feel like doing? Here are several tips from the experts.

Cancer Nutrition: Maintaining Strength and Energy

In terms of fighting cancer fatigue and boosting strength with good cancer nutrition, you need to pay attention to protein. “The radiation, the surgery, the chemo, and the cancer itself can all raise the body’s need for protein,” says Christine Gerbstadt, MD, a spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association. Protein makes you heal faster. How can you get enough protein?

“Meats, poultry and fish are wonderful sources of protein,” says Sheri Knecht, RD, a dietitian at the South-Atlantic Division in the American Cancer Society. “But some people have trouble tolerating them during cancer treatment.” So she also recommends easy-to-digest foods for instance:

EggsDairy food such as milk, cheese, cottage type cheese, and yogurtBeans, soy, and nuts — including peanut butter or almond butterAs with every nutrient, dietitians recommend getting protein from natural food sources. But in the event that isn’t working for you, try adding protein powders — like whey or soy — or powdered milk for a diet. If you have trouble chewing or swallowing due to your treatment, try mixing them in with soft foods such as mashed potatoes or fruit smoothies.

Don’t wait until after you’re already in treatment to strengthen on protein for cancer nutrition. “We want individuals to be as healthy as possible before going into surgery, as their bodies will likely be under a great deal of stress,” Zinaman tells WebMD. “It’s important to go into treatment with adequate stores of protein.”

Cancer Nutrition: Avoiding Weight Loss

Weight loss can be a significant issue for some people in cancer treatment. As your body fights cancer, and undergoes the load of treatment, your metabolism may kick into high gear. But while your body may need more food, you’re feeling too sick to eat it. Losing too much weight can affect your treatment as well as force a medical expert to stop it altogether.


Flaxseeds are like sesame seeds, only slightly bigger in dimensions.

The ground variety is way better in terms of healthy nutrients because it is easily absorbed by your body.

The health benefits of flax seeds.

How are they part of the list of cancer prevention foods? It’s because they participate in certain foods which are exceptionally abundant in alpha linolenic acid (ALA), an omega-3 fat.

Omega-3 fats are essential by your body to make prostaglandins. Prostaglandins are molecules that fight inflammation. They help lessen the inflammation that significantly plays a role in diseases like tumor, asthma, migraine and osteoporosis.

The prevention effect of Omega-3 fats is particular in reducing risk for precancerous polyps. Omega 3 fats help protect the colon cells from carcinogenic toxins and free-radicals.

Now that you have a thought what foods can prevent cancer. Complete your plate using these cancer prevention foods and enjoy the benefits of preventing a lot of other diseases.

High Vitamin Foods For Healthy Life

High vitamin foods help you stay healthy, fight chronic disease and depression. Foods full of fat soluble vitamin A increase fertility and help you absorb other vitamins and nutrients. Vitamin b complex foods are meant to give you energy, and support a healthy central nervous system. Foods rich in real ascorbic acid boosts the defense mechanisms which helps to address infections, stress and many types of bleeding conditions. In case your gums bleed a great deal you need vit c. Vitamin C and P – bioflavonoids can be a powerful combination and generally present together in many superfoods.Foods high in vitamin D will help to reduce chronic disease, build strong bones and you feeling optimistic. Vitamin D aids in depression. Unrefined oils rich in full spectrum vitamin E helps the heart, and the tocotrienals in vitamin e antioxidant are known to kill cancer cells without harming healthy tissue. Vitamin k-2, mostly manufactured by healthy flora in the gut helps as well to produce strong healthy bones.

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Lung cancer signs and symptoms.

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Q&A: What are the symptoms and stages of progress of Lung Cancer?

Question by I need to sneeze: What are the symptoms and stages of progress of Lung Cancer?
What exactly are the symptoms of Lung Cancer?

& What are the stages of progress?
<3 Best answer:

Answer by ChristinaK
I dont know the stages but my step grandpa died of it in 2004.

You start to get “night sweats” and you start to shake at random instances during the day. You feel dizzy and have almost flu like symptoms. If you ever get night sweats though you should go to the doctor ASAP. That the biggest sign of it.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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New York Mesothelioma Lawyer is Great Lawful Assistance

New York Mesothelioma Lawyer is Great Lawful Assistance

Article by Dean McDurmont

When it comes to handling or dealing with Mesothelioma case, the New York Mesothelioma lawyer has to consider minute aspects of this cancerous infection and its causation factors. It is a quite obviously known fact that Mesothelioma is a life menacing disease that gets developed through excessive exposure to asbestos, which is a type of construction material found in mines or construction sites. In fact, the workers at such work spots have to be extra cautious when dealing with asbestos based products. A New York Mesothelioma lawyer would help the worker to get rightful compensation for the loss done to his health because of asbestos exposure. New York Mesothelioma lawyer deals in cases concerning Mesothelioma, which is a melanoma that is caused by coming in contact with asbestos. Malignant Mesothelioma is known as one of the world’s perilous forms of cancer. This disease regularly takes away the lives of hundreds of people every year in the United States alone. Numerous people have been showing to asbestos in their job by breathing in or ingesting minuscule microscopic asbestos fibers.

It is obligatory to complete short box examination form as well as the New York Mesothelioma Lawyer will hit me to plead your box added. The treatment costs acquired when treating Mesothelioma cancer have been extremely high. Due to the cancer’s finish latency period, many Mesothelioma cancer sufferers have been late when the mushroom is exposed. Even if the plant is still working, he will curtly be upon disability. Because of this, he will essentially await with the healing costs. Those analyzed with Mesothelioma cancer or alternative asbestos connected illnesses have the right to arrangement for healing cost. This can be stated by filing the court case with the help of New York mesothelioma lawyer. It is needed to record the Mesothelioma authorized box contradictory an entity obliged for the asbestos attack which caused the cancer will get victims remuneration. For those who have been infected with Mesothelioma, asbestos probity cases have been the various appropriate approaches required to follow compensation.

Many of the proven medical evidences and references have connected the exposure of asbestos directly to asbestos cancers. With the number of deaths growing among workers, companies were made aware of the fact and signs of perils for using asbestos fibers in their products. However, as the companies were always at the edge to earn high profits, most of the celebrated companies continued the practice of using damaging fibers of asbestos. Many of the extraordinary decision by the known juries held the manufacturers legally responsible for their torturous and criminal acts that made the employees suffer badly. These immoral and illegal acts of companies gave rise to Mesothelioma litigation. People diagnosed with mesothelioma cancer have many permissible alternatives to seek compensation by taking help of expertise New York mesothelioma lawyer. A victim can file a claim for the compensation for all the expenses carried out for the medical treatment, pain and other expenses linked to the asbestos cancer.

About the Author

Dean McDurmont is a master of law, who has expertise in handling Mesothelioma and other medical malpractice lawyer New York cases. With more than 8 years of experience, he has been able to do justice to numerous victims. Read more:

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Cyber Knife Cancer Treatment in India at Mumbai and Delhi at affodable low cost.

Cyber Knife Cancer Treatment in India at Mumbai and Delhi at affodable low cost.

Article by Pankaj Nagpal

Cyber Knife

What is Cyberknife? Is it some type of computer virus or some computer program? No, it is not at all related to computer viruses or software. Cyberknife treatment ranks among the latest cancer treatment procedures. It has opened up a new dimension and revolutionary approach in the field of stereotactic radiosurgery for the cure of various types of cancers. Cyberknife is an all total outpatient and non-invasive treatment procedures in which the tumors are destroyed are radiation. One of the main benefits of the treatment is that there are no side effects and risks of post surgery like other conventional surgical procedures. Radiation can be put to any part of the body every effectively.Apollo Hospital has introduced this unique treatment of cancer. By introducing this revolutionary robot radiotherapy procedure, the Apollo Hospitals Group has opened a new epoch in the treatment of cancer in South East Asia. The real time image guidance programs and cyber regulated robotics are used in Cyberknife to trigger a particular radiation level which can very effectively kill cancerous cells. The procedure gives sub millimeter correctness with the time period required is just less than a week.

What can the Cyberknife treat?

The Cyberknife Robotic Radiosurgery System is a completely non-invasive technique which serves as an alternative to treat both benign and cancerous tumors in the spine, pancreas, kidney, brain, lung, and liver. Extreme doses of radiation are put into the cancer cells with high degree of precision. More than 50,000 patients have been successfully treated with the Cyberknife technology. There are around 150 CyberKnife systems across the globe.How CyberKnife treatment works?

The Cyberknife technology comprises two modern technologies:In the first process, lightweight radiation delivery equipment is inserted on a multi-jointed robotic arm. The robotic arm can easily reach tumors in any part of the body.The second innovative technique consists of the image guidance system. This allows the CyberKnife therapy to easily track and locate the tumor. The radiation is sent without the use of stereotactic frame.

Benefits of CyberKnife

In comparison to other conventional invasive surgical methods, CyberKnife consists of minimal amount of complications.• Cyberknife reduces the surrounding healthy tissues from getting affected.• The procedure involves the treatment of complex tumors which are difficult to operable or are in-operable.• Cyberknife is completely non invasive with surgical like results.• No skull pins or metal head frames are needed in the CyberKnife procedure like other methods.• No recovery time is needed.• Very less pain is felt and only mild sedation is administered.

How CyberKnife differs from other radiation ionizing systems available today?

Apart from the benefit where no stereotactic frame is fixed on the patient, Cyberknife also provides relief to patients for holding breath. Cyberknife is able to track, locate and detect the radiation from a number of angles. The technique, by using the latest image guidance cameras and cyber technology is able to overcome the drawbacks of the conventional frame based radio surgery systems like gamma knife and Linac managed X-knife.What Family and Friends should do?

To know that your near and dear one is suffering from cancer is a terrifying experience. But one should keep a cool head and try to help the patient and the family. One needs to help the patient to fight the disease and lead a normal life with very less discomfort.

What are your responsibilities?1. Collect as much details as possible for various treatment options.2. 1.You can give lifts or drive the patient or the family members for appointments or to the treatment centers.3. Always lend a listening ear and support the patient.4. Try to provide whatever help that is needed during the treatment process.

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Pankaj Nagpal – About the Author:Welcome to World Class Treatment and Surgery by We Care Health Services, India. Contact Us : http://www.indiahospital || E-mail us on : || Contact Center Tel. :(+91) 9029304141. The surgery and medical treatments offered by We Care Health Services at JCI Accredited / ISO Certified Hospitals are vast and varied; ranging from Heart Surgery in India, Cardiology to Cardio Thoracic surgery, Total Knee / Hip / Ankle / Shoulder Joint Replacement Surgery in India including ACL reconstruction Surgery to Birmingham Hip Resurfacing Surgery in India , Spine Surgery in India like Discectomy / Laminectomy Surgery, Cervical Decompression to Anterior / Posterior Spinal Fusion Surgery in India, Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy, Cancer surgery, Sterotactic Radiotherapy, Autologous / Allogenic Bone Marrow Transplant Surgery to Breast Cancer treatments, Near relative Kidney Transplant Surgery to Dialysis and Kidney Biopsy, Low Cost Liver Transplants Surgery, Hysterectomy (Vaginal / Abdominal) to Ovarian Cystectomy, Hernia repair Surgery to Cholecystectomy, Advanced Neurosurgery in India, Bariatric surgery, Gastric Bypass Surgery in India, Eye Surgery in India, Cornea Transplant, Cataract Surgery to LASIK Eye care Surgery, IVF, ICSI, Egg Donor to Surrogacy, Minimally Invasive surgery or Laparoscopic Surgery to Cochlear Implants, Breast Lift / Tummy Tuck, Face Lift to Low Cost Rhinoplasty Cosmetic Surgery, multi specialty Hospitals in India offering first world treatments with board certified highly qualified medical consultants in attendance at third world prices..

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New York Mesothelioma Lawyer Plays with Defaulters

New York Mesothelioma Lawyer Plays with Defaulters

Article by Dean McDurmont

As you are completely aware of the fact that Mesothelioma is a serious form of cancer that cannot be cured at all. The person afflicted with this undergoes a lot of pain and is entitled to file the lawsuit with the help of New York Mesothelioma lawyer. Indeed, the lawyer has the responsibility of creating a safe boundary around the victim, so that he happens to get the deserved compensation for the wrong done to him. It is also a globally accepted fact that mesothelioma happens to a person on coming in close contact with a toxic material called asbestos. And this material is quite prevalent in building materials and other relative items. This is the severe case of negligence on the part of the asbestos related products manufacturing company that the New York Mesothelioma lawyer happens to take care and consider while filing the case in the court of law.

A New York mesothelioma lawyer can seek compensation on your behalf from the people who are responsible for your exposure to this material and, accordingly, for developing this condition. The first thing that the professional will do will be to investigate your claim. As stated, he will check whether you have a strong enough case that has excellent chances of winning in a court of law. Usually, individuals who have been exposed to asbestos without being told of the dangers as well as workers whose employers have not taken the essential measures for protection during work with asbestos have high chances of getting compensation. Still, each individual case is evaluated on its own merits, so it is essential for you to find an experienced mesothelioma lawyer that can investigate your claim professionally. New York mesothelioma lawyer and popular law firms mainly deal with mesothelioma sufferers and their families, who want to claim compensation from a firm where the victim was revealed to asbestos. It has been stated that mesothelioma lawsuits can win millions in compensation for the victims and their families.

One healing process of mesothelioma is surgery, which depends on the level of the cancer. If the cancer has advanced to later stages then surgery will be needed. There are two types of surgeries that can be carried out. The lungs include the organs that are detached during the curative surgery that enables the person to live for a longer time. The pericardium and the diaphragm are the two other organs that are also taken away in this type of surgery. This surgery is very persistent and that is why it is done on patients who are young and whose health status is in good standing. The cost of the operation is really high and this makes it necessary for the patient to file for lawsuits with the assistance of New York Mesothelioma lawyer. The lawyer would carry out a meeting with the employers of the victim and check out the entire case. After all, he has to strategize plans that would help the victim to get maximum benefits.

About the Author

Dean McDurmont is a master of law, who has expertise in handling Mesothelioma and other medical malpractice lawyer New York cases. With more than 8 years of experience, he has been able to do justice to numerous victims. Read more:

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3 Potential Small Cell Lung Cancer Symptoms

3 Potential Small Cell Lung Cancer Symptoms

Article by Ary Martin

There are two main types of lung cancer; small cell lung cancer (SCLC) and non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Of these two types, SCLC represents around 20%. It is often nicknamed oat cell carcinoma due to the oat like appearance of the small cells of the lungs. SCLC develops when these small cells start to grow in a rapid and uncontrollable way and eventually become malignant (cancerous). Since this cancer affects the lungs this is the area where most of the symptoms manifest. In this article I will be discussing three of the most common small cell lung cancer symptoms.

1) A PERSISTENT COUGH:- If you notice you have a cough that does not seem to go away it could be a sign of SCLC. A lot of coughs will have no other symptoms than a dry, hoarse, itchy feeling in the throat. However, some coughs result in phlegm and blood coming up. Other coughs can even cause pain. You should inform your doctor if you notice any type of persistent cough and if any phlegm or blood comes up you should inform them right away. The cough may be down to something much less serious but it may also be an early warning sign of SCLC. Your doctor will be able to perform a number of tests and give you a professional diagnosis.

2) BREATHLESSNESS:- Feeling breathless for no apparent reason is another potential small cell lung cancer symptom. This can often lead to you feeling tired and lacking in energy whilst performing every day tasks such as walking down the street. Regardless of whether the breathlessness comes on gradually or suddenly it should be treated with suspicion. If you notice yourself becoming short of breath for no logical reason go see your doctor and explain your concerns. They will then be able to identify the cause of the breathlessness and determine if it is linked to SCLC.

3) CHEST PAIN:- Chest pain is a very serious symptom which is linked with a number of conditions including SCLC. The chest pain may be caused by coughing or deep breathing. However, you may also experience constant or spontaneous chest pain. Any type of chest pain should be treated with extreme caution and you should go see your doctor right away. They will then be able to perform a number of tests to identify the cause.

Many of the symptoms of small cell lung cancer are linked to the chest. Although the above symptoms are not exclusive to SCLC, they do usually act as early warning signs. If you notice any of the symptoms discussed above you should inform your doctor right away. They will be able to investigate any suspicious coughs or spontaneous chest pains and determine if they are linked to SCLC. This type of cancer is much more treatable in the early stages so it makes sense to act on any potential symptoms early and go see your doctor.

Whilst every intention has been made to make this article accurate and informative, it is intended for general information only. Small cell lung cancer is a very serious, life threatening condition and you should discuss any concerns, treatments or lifestyle changes fully with your doctor.

Tom Parker owns and operates a number of useful fitness resources and websites. You can learn more about small cell lung cancer and how improving your fitness can help prevent cancer by visiting Free Fitness Tips.Find more articles about canker sore treatment, throat cancer symptoms and canker sore causes|

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Q&A: Lung Cancer: What might we expect to see now that is has reached her liver?

Question by Mert: Lung Cancer: What might we expect to see now that is has reached her liver?
My mom has stage 4 lung cancer that has spread to her bone and has recently invaded her liver. By the grace of god she has been able to fight this for 2 years now. She’ll be doing at least 2 rounds of a different chemo and then a scan before moving on. But we are wondering what we can expect see, symptom-wise, when her liver begins to fail.

Best answer:

Answer by natalie

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Common Victims of Mesothelioma & their Occupations

Common Victims of Mesothelioma & their Occupations

Article by Agatha Simona

Asbestos products were used in the late 19th century to the early 1980s. During those years asbestos exposure was extremely high. Workers that handled asbestos and asbestos materials were unaware that their lives were at risk due to being exposed to asbestos on job sites. The presence of fluid is usually not detected by a routine checkup because the amount of fluids is usually very small. However, when certain disorders happen, the pleural fluid increases and may buildup causing pulmonary symptoms and signs. Once the buildup of fluid occurs, a diagnosis is required.Individuals that were at an increased risk for developing mesothelioma cancer were regularly exposed to asbestos over prolonged periods of time on the job.Occupations where Asbestos was heavily usedmanufacturingconstruction productsconsumer productsthe US militaryaerospace industryshipyardsrailroadpublic buildingsautomotive industryHarms of Asbestos Known for DecadesAsbestos manufacturing companies and employers knew about the dangers that asbestos exposure could cause, but they neglected to protect their workers and the general public from such dangers. Companies continue using asbestos without adequately protecting their workers or notifying them of the dangers. Tragically, their neglectful behavior contributed to their workers exposure and high cases of mesothelioma cancer.Asbestos Workers and Family Members at RiskDecades later, these workers that were exposed to asbestos on the job began to show symptoms that were common in mesothelioma cases. Family members were also placed at risk of being exposed to asbestos fibers that were brought home on the clothing, hair and shoes of their spouses.Mesothelioma Cases in Men and WomenMen were reported to have the highest rate of mesothelioma cases over women. According to recent studies, men also showed a decline in mesothelioma, and mesothelioma cases for women remain about the same. Women who were exposed to asbestos particles and later developed mesothelioma cancer came in contact with asbestos fibers that were brought home on their spouses clothing, hair or from products in the home.Early Detection of Mesothelioma is VitalIf you believe you or a loved one was exposed to asbestos on the job, talk to your doctor as soon as possible. Early detection can play a very important role in the treatment options that patients can receive and the life span of the patient.Mesothelioma and Patient Legal RightsIf diagnosed with mesothelioma, you should also contact an experienced mesothelioma lawyer to seek monetary compensation for your pain and suffering, loss of income, medical bills, and other damages caused by this deadly disease.

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Mesothelioma cancer patient resource with questions and answers about mesothelioma, a deadly cancer caused by asbestos exposure.

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A Guide To Getting Lung Cancer Treated

A Guide To Getting Lung Cancer Treated

Article by janet jhon

Lung cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer. It affects both men and women. It can take years to develop. If you are a smoker, you are more at risk. You can consider various treatment options. Surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation therapy are some of them. It depends on how advanced the cancer is. A competent doctor is important to help you get through this difficult time.You should look on the net for doctors who have experience in this field. Compare their fees, qualifications, and experience level. In case you know someone who has suffered from a similar disease, you can ask him or her for a recommendation.Check that the hospital has the latest technology. One which will track the tumor so that it is possible to decide which time is the best to tackle it will be beneficial. You will then be able to avoid multiple strong doses. There will also be no need to interfere with nearby healthy tissue.Check how long the treatment will take and the length of each session. This will help you to plan your schedule and arrive at a cost estimate. Confirm with your insurance whether you are covered for treatment. The center should help you with the paperwork.The number of sessions you require will depend on what stage the cancer has reached. You should also seek clarification regarding side effects. You should ask your doctor about the stage at which the cancer is and the effect of the treatment.If you want radiation therapy, schedule a consultation to determine whether it is appropriate for your condition. Radiation therapy is most effective when it is given each time at the same place. In simulation, your body will be marked to make it easy for this to happen.Weekly status updates are necessary to see whether you are suffering from side effects. After the treatment is over, you may need to come back periodically for check ups. It may also be necessary to do more diagnostic tests.Look for an established facility when you seek help related to diseases affecting your lung. Elizabethtown residents should look for one in the area, so that it is easy to visit. You will be relieved when you see that your cancer is under control. Altering your lifestyle will also pay off. Stay in contact with your doctor even after the treatment is over.

About the Author

Lung Elizabethtown – Be careful when you are seeking treatment for diseases related to the lung. Elizabethtown residents should consider Oakwood Cancer Center, which has a team of qualified doctors who are experienced in this area.

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Gilroy, CA : Skin Cancer & Lung Cancer Drugs Using Personalized Treatments Show Promise

Gilroy, CA : Skin Cancer & Lung Cancer Drugs Using Personalized Treatments Show Promise

Article by Richard Kuehn

Gilroy, CA : Skin Cancer & Lung Cancer Drugs Using Personalized Treatments Show Promise : View From A Private Duty Caregiver Serving, Carmel, Carmel Valley, Carmel-by-the-Sea, Gilroy, Gonzalez, Greenfield, Hollister, King City, Marina, Monterey, Pacific Grove, Pebble Beach, Salinas, San Juan Bautista, Seaside & Soledad California

A new skin-cancer treatment with a particular genetic mutation won quick approval from regulators who are said to be excited about using more targeted therapies. This so called personalized medicine approach can be significantly more effective than traditional treatments because they would only be carried out on those patients showing they have a particular mutation. The Food & Drug Administration (FDA) on Wednesday approved a drug called vemurafenib which was only submitted in May for approval. The FDA has historically been criticized for being slow to approve promising new drugs, and this latest action shows that our government agencies can move quickly when under pressure. The FDA is said to be ready to approve another personalized medicine drug for lung-cancer, critzotinib. “If there is a group that a drug works really well in and there is some urgency getting it to them,” said Robert Temple, a senior FDA official, clinical trials can be smaller to provide efficacy in order to get the drug to market quickly. The skin cancer drug, which will be sold under the brand name Zelboraf, stops a mutated gene from driving the proliferation of cancer cells but the exciting thing is that about 40% of metastatic melanoma patients have the mutation so the new drug will be useful for a large swath of patients. In clinical trials, this subset of patients saw their risk of death decrease 64% compared with those using chemotherapy. About 50% of those taking the pills saw their tumors shrink, compared with only 5.5% of those using chemo. The result “takes your breath away if you’re a melanoma Doc,” Anna Pavlick, director of the melanoma program at the New York University Cancer Institute told the WSH. I think it’s particularly promising for the elderly. Chemotherapy can be draining and seniors can’t weather the side effects of some of these brutal treatments like someone younger could. The new treatment only calls for four pills in the morning and four in the evening. Side effects so far have been minimal, and when they have occurred, Doctors have been able to reduce the dosage which in many cases reduced the side effects significantly. Stay tuned for more drugs which are likely to be approved using personalized medicine.,_shrinking_cancer%3A_story_by_WSJs_@jonathanrockoff_on_FDA_approva

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About Richard Kuehn & Family inHome Caregiving of Monterey:After more than a decade of caregiving, both in a professional environment and for a 97 year old family member I was dissatisfied with service from local caregiving agencies. I became convinced of the need for a service which provides very personal assistance to the elderly and founded Family inHome Caregiving serving the Monterey Peninsula. Please visit my blog where I talk about important senior issues at:

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