Three Important Alternative Mesothelioma Treatments

Three Important Alternative Mesothelioma Treatments

Article by Bello kamorudeen

Alternative treatments for Mesothelioma are available for those who have tried other more conventional treatments which have not given them the desired improvement they want. These conventional treatments include chemotherapy, surgery, and radiotherapy.

Some of these alternative treatments have shown to be quite effective while others are not as effective as expected, some can even be counter productive. To be sure that any potential treatments are safe, you should always discuss these alternatives fully with your doctor and be aware of not only the potential benefits but the risks as well.

Some alternative mesothelioma treatment options are currently being used in clinical trials. Ask your doctor about any mesothelioma or asbestos related clinical trials which you might be eligible for, these treatments are always carefully monitored and free to the patient.

These are three good alternative therapies that can be used by mesothelioma patients:

1-Immune System Enhancers

CoEnzyme Q10-This is a naturally occurring enzyme in the body that enhances the function of the immune system. This enzyme can boost the immune system which will then be able to recognize the tumor cells as being foreign agents and will initiate a strong immunological attack of the tumor cells killing them in the process. It is also believed that this enzyme is capable of inhibiting oxidation in the body

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