Monthly Archives: August 2011

lung cancer?

Question by Mat: lung cancer? what are the chances that 17-year old gets lung cancer for 7 months of smoking? and generally, what are the chances? Best answer: Answer by poohbearit depends on the diagnostic work ups of the doctor… … Continue reading

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NOVEMBER-LUNG CANCER Attention MONTH Article by Angela Facliciano Creating individuals conscious of the disastrous outcomes of lung cancer is quite necessary. The gradually rising figure of the illness is presenting an … Continue reading

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Mesothelioma Latest: New Mesothelioma Treatment Discovered In Australia

Mesothelioma Latest: New Mesothelioma Treatment Discovered In Australia Nothing can be better than this! Yes I mean it. Can you believe a new mesothelioma treatment has been discovered in Australia? The effectiveness of this treatment is definitely a ray of … Continue reading

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Lung cancer?

Question by sammy: Lung cancer? My mom had breast cancer months ago and they treated it with radiation, she under went a routine chest film and they found a mass on her left upper lobe in her lung. She sees … Continue reading

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Epithelial Mesothelioma Cancer

Epithelial Mesothelioma Cancer Epithelial mesothelioma is actually a kind of uncommon and dangerous type of cancer has an effect on the membrane layer lining the chest cavity, heart, lungs as well as abdominal cavity. You will find 3 types of … Continue reading

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Smoking Can Cause Stage 3 Lung Cancer

Smoking Can Cause Stage 3 Lung Cancer Article by Paige Reed One of the most important causes of diseases worldwide is tobacco smoking. 4 million people die each year because of … Continue reading

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Mesothelioma Treatment: Radiation or Radiotherapy

Mesothelioma Treatment: Radiation or Radiotherapy Mesothelioma is a cancerous disease that affects the serous linings of various internal organs in the human body. Among them, the lungs, heart and the stomach are the mostly affected. It is estimated that … Continue reading

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Lung Cancer?

Question by kathleen_martin8: Lung Cancer? My ex-sister in law just found out that she has a very aggressive lung cancer which is now in both lungs the doctors said today. Do people actually survive this type of diagnosis? Can Chemo … Continue reading

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Mesothelioma and Asbestos Information You Need Know Today

Mesothelioma and Asbestos Information You Need Know Today Article by John Greyling Find the mesothelioma and asbestos information you need today right here in one location. Get the facts on this … Continue reading

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Cure for Lung Cancer

Cure for Lung Cancer It would be false to assume that there is cure for lung cancer especially if it has reached the terminal stages or the stages 3 and 4. When cancer reaches these stages, there is a very … Continue reading

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