Lung cancer?

Question by sammy: Lung cancer?
My mom had breast cancer months ago and they treated it with radiation, she under went a routine chest film and they found a mass on her left upper lobe in her lung. She sees her DR on tuesday to go over the CT scan with contrast they ordered after her chest film. So what now? Could this be a result of the breast cancer? If so can it be in her brain or somewhere else? Any one can help me id appreciate it so much and please don’t hold back on the answers cause it may not be what i want to here i need to know what everyone thinks here.

Best answer:

Answer by starrwoode
only the doctors can tell you if it was matasticised from the breast cancer. it can spread to any place, my mom had colon cancer that moved to her lungs and her pancreas and she died in a year. if she had only seen to the colon trouble much sooner.

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