How long does someone with lung cancer typically live?

Question by Paulie: How long does someone with lung cancer typically live?
Someone in my family was just diagnosed with it, and I tried looking it up, but all I found were scary statistics. Most said that people with lung cancer don’t typically live longer than a year. That can’t be right, can it?
Is that statistic just for people who don’t have it treated? I really want to know because those statistics scared me a little.
Any help is appreciated!

Best answer:

Answer by runjeterrun
my mother lived 2 years after she was diagnosed. tha cancer had already spread to her liver. chemo and radiation bought her that time.

it all depends on the person and how far the cancer has spread. i have heard of people diagnosed and only lived a few weeks and others have lived two years. each person is different and responds to treatment differently. there are no definitive answers to your question unfortunately.

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