Tag Archives: someone

Can anyone tell me the life expectancy for someone with small cell lung cancer limited stage 3rd level?

Question by Seth: Can anyone tell me the life expectancy for someone with small cell lung cancer limited stage 3rd level? My mother was just diagnosed with small cell lung cancer. She has been undergoing testing and just started treatments … Continue reading

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Q&A: Someone has a life insurance policy and states non smoker but they are dying from lung cancer?

Question by hot lips: Someone has a life insurance policy and states non smoker but they are dying from lung cancer? This policy is about 18 years old and recently an agent was out to update the policy and i … Continue reading

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How long is the life expectancy of someone with stage 4 lung cancer without treatment? ?

Question by : How long is the life expectancy of someone with stage 4 lung cancer without treatment? ? A dear friend recently learned he has stage 4 lung cancer (which has likely spread to other organs/tissue.) He is refusing … Continue reading

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How long can someone survive while having stage 4 lung cancer?

Question by KEsha S: How long can someone survive while having stage 4 lung cancer? my gpa is about 80 years old and he found out he had lung cancer back in april of 09. He hasn’t had any treatments. … Continue reading

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What signs do you look for when someone is dying of lung cancer and their time is almost up?

Question by amus: What signs do you look for when someone is dying of lung cancer and their time is almost up? I have a friend who is in the final stages of lung cancer. Her nursed say it is … Continue reading

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What is the survival rate of someone having lung cancer?

Question by DAZEDANDCONFUSED: What is the survival rate of someone having lung cancer? My father in law recently was diagnoised with lung cancer. He has two growths in his lower left lung. The size is small, one is 7 mm … Continue reading

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How can you tell if someone has lung cancer?

Question by Bill: How can you tell if someone has lung cancer? My boss lost a lot of weight I think he has lung cancer. He keep coughing and he looks very week . When he does cough it is … Continue reading

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Can cancer spread to the brain when someone is haveing chemo for lung cancer?

Question by WENDY D: Can cancer spread to the brain when someone is haveing chemo for lung cancer? I have stage 4 lung cancer. The doctor said it was not in my brain in june 07 I have had 11 … Continue reading

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How long does someone with lung cancer typically live?

Question by Paulie: How long does someone with lung cancer typically live? Someone in my family was just diagnosed with it, and I tried looking it up, but all I found were scary statistics. Most said that people with lung … Continue reading

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How can you tell if someone has lung cancer?

Question by Bill: How can you tell if someone has lung cancer? How can you tell if someone has lung cancer? My boss lost a lot of weight I think he has lung cancer. He keep coughing and he looks … Continue reading

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