Is chemotheraphy effective on curing lung cancer? Does people actually survive with this type of sickness?

Question by crisha: Is chemotheraphy effective on curing lung cancer? Does people actually survive with this type of sickness?
I have a relative who has a lung cancer but she doesn’t even smoke.
I have a relative who has a stage 4 lung cancer but she doesn’t even smoke.

Best answer:

Answer by Erin L
Treatment options and effectiveness depend on the stage/type of cancer and the condition of the patient being treated. My mom has just been diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. She smoked lightly for a few years in young adulthood, but quit 38 years ago. It’s spread to some lymph nodes, bones, and liver. She is going to a cutting edge treatment center. We were told that stage 4 lung cancer is NOT curable, but is treatable in that treatment can give people some extra months or years and make that time better quality.

Earlier stages are possibly curable, but it is rare to catch lung cancer in an early stage. Lung cancer has very low 5 year survival statistics.

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