Tag Archives: People

Q&A: When do people typically get lung cancer?

Question by SammyK: When do people typically get lung cancer? I’m doing a cancer project in my Bio class i can’t find the age rang that lung cancer normally develops lung caner. Please help. Best answer: Answer by Moderate SomberAlthough … Continue reading

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For how long have people known about lung cancer?

Question by Adam C: For how long have people known about lung cancer? If someone came to a doctor in the early nineteenth century with blatant symptoms of lung cancer, would they have recognised it? When did doctors discover lung … Continue reading

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Q&A: Why do so many people seem to think lung cancer is the only risk of smoking?

Question by Court F: Why do so many people seem to think lung cancer is the only risk of smoking? A lot of smokers seem to think that as long as they don’t have lung cancer, they are beating their … Continue reading

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Best People To Ask About Lung Cancer

Best People To Ask About Lung Cancer When it comes to obtaining information about lung cancer, asking other people for first or second hand experience often helps significantly. Apart from the facts we can read about lung cancer and what … Continue reading

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Famous People With Lung Cancer

Famous People With Lung Cancer Lung cancer has the highest growing mortality rate in both men and women who have the same lifestyle or is exposed to lung irritants for their entire life. And this kind of disease is not … Continue reading

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Q&A: Why are some people so insensitive to people with lung cancer?

Question by joe_T: Why are some people so insensitive to people with lung cancer? I have a friend who drank alcohol and smoked for years. You really couldn’t find a nicer person. When he got lung cancer, somebody said he … Continue reading

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Where can i find some stories about people with Lung Cancer?

Question by amiescke6286: Where can i find some stories about people with Lung Cancer? My mom has lung cancer and my way of dealing with it is to look at stories of other people who have had Lung cancer. I … Continue reading

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Treatment Options For People With Lung Cancer

Treatment Options For People With Lung Cancer Article by Gray Rollins Several lung cancer treatments are currently available and the determination as to which one is prescribed depends on the lung cancer stage … Continue reading

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Is chemotheraphy effective on curing lung cancer? Does people actually survive with this type of sickness?

Question by crisha: Is chemotheraphy effective on curing lung cancer? Does people actually survive with this type of sickness? I have a relative who has a lung cancer but she doesn’t even smoke. I have a relative who has a … Continue reading

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Common Mesothelioma Symptoms For People Wondering If They Have Mesothelioma

Common Mesothelioma Symptoms For People Wondering If They Have Mesothelioma Article by Gen Wright This disease is very harmful to the human body and can even claim the life of the patient. In … Continue reading

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