Q&A: How long can a person live with stage 4 lung cancer?

Question by Natalie: How long can a person live with stage 4 lung cancer?
My Grandpa was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer (tumors in both lungs) but they haven’t given him any set time. Does anyone have any idea?
Yes, his doctor doesn’t believe in giving a ‘life expectancy’. Non-small cell lung cancer DOES have 4 stages. I have heard that, with the small amount of chemo he’s receiving once a month, a year is about right.

Best answer:

Answer by NiN3TE3N86
Sorry about your grandad. My bf’s grandma was diagnosed w stage 4 lung cancer too last wk and they gave her 1 year to live. I’m no expert on cancer but I’m sure it varies from person to person especially when the cancer is that far advanced, he should be able to get that info from his physician tho. I hope my answer was of some help and again sorry about your grandad.

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