Tag Archives: person

Whats the youngest person to have ever got lung cancer ON RECORD?

Question by : Whats the youngest person to have ever got lung cancer ON RECORD? Just wondering. I’m a hypochondriac i’m 15 and supposedly have an allergen caused cough. I’m worried even though I shouldn’t. The cough has actually been … Continue reading

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who was the first person to notice lung cancer?

Question by Daniii: who was the first person to notice lung cancer? im doing a research project on lung cancer. i need to find somebody associated with my topic. I wanted to pick the first person to notice lung cancer. … Continue reading

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What is the percentage rate CHANCE of a person with a LUNG CANCER?

Question by rafaelray_6395: What is the percentage rate CHANCE of a person with a LUNG CANCER? i want to know what is the percentage rate of chances that a person to survive that have a LUNG CANCER stage two(2). thanks … Continue reading

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Q&A: Who was the first person do “discover” lung cancer?

Question by Kels: Who was the first person do “discover” lung cancer? I am doing a research paper for my heath class, and Im doing mine on lung cancer. One of the things we need to have in our report … Continue reading

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Can a person smoke their entire lives and avoid Lung Cancer?

Question by Get Your Brits Out.: Can a person smoke their entire lives and avoid Lung Cancer? I know the longer you smoke the greater your risk but in theory is it possible? I’ve been worrying about this excessively for … Continue reading

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Q&A: How long does a person smokes before she gets heart disease/lung cancer?

Question by Amiga: How long does a person smokes before she gets heart disease/lung cancer? I’ve smoked like for like 15 times only. Am i prone to lung cancer/heart disease already? Female, 17. Best answer: Answer by tony oit takes … Continue reading

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What is the probability of death due to lung cancer given that the person is a smoker?

Question by Tuitogamaatoe: What is the probability of death due to lung cancer given that the person is a smoker? Let S be the event the person smokes, L be the event that a person dies due to lung cancer. … Continue reading

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Who and Where is this person that claims praying to Mary McKillop cured her of inoperable lung cancer?

Question by yahwhooon: Who and Where is this person that claims praying to Mary McKillop cured her of inoperable lung cancer? I mean do we just take her word for it? I’d like to hear from her Doctors and see … Continue reading

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Can a person get lung cancer even if he or she have quit smoking?

Question by fowlgirl19: Can a person get lung cancer even if he or she have quit smoking? My cousin is freaking out that her father will get lung cancer even after he had stop smoking for about 3 years. Will … Continue reading

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Q&A: How long can a person live with stage 4 lung cancer?

Question by Natalie: How long can a person live with stage 4 lung cancer? My Grandpa was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer (tumors in both lungs) but they haven’t given him any set time. Does anyone have any idea? … Continue reading

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