Alternative Treatments and Options for Lung Cancer

Alternative Treatments and Options for Lung Cancer

Article by Francis Calma

In 2010, lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death for men and women in the United States and worldwide. It is the second most diagnosed cancer in men (the first is the cancer of the prostate), and the second most diagnosed cancer in women (the first being breast cancer) in the U.S. because the survival rate to 5 years in patients with lung cancer is about 14%, this diagnosis is very serious and scary things. A treatment of lung cancer alternatives are available? Yes they do.

It is important to understand that you can use conventional cancer treatment (surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy), and also use other treatments at the same time. Alternative treatments do not interfere with the effectiveness of conventional treatments. In fact, by stimulating the immune system, which can really help your body fight against serious side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

natural alternative treatments for cancer, lung cancer or some other target of the immune system and the whole body. This is due to the fact that all tumors that cause the failure of the immune system to work to find and kill mutant cells.

We all have cancer cells in our body at all times, this happens because no damage to DNA in a cell, causing it to mutate. All cells divide and replace themselves regularly. If the old cell, DNA has been damaged or mutated, the new cell that is produced also have the same DNA damage. It will continue to reproduce the mutation, and you’ll get cancer.

Your immune system is programmed to seek out and destroy these mutated cells, and is usually done with great efficiency. However, if the immune system is weak or damaged, some cancer cells can be destroyed, which means it will continue to replicate and form a tumor.

So the first priority of all alternative treatments of lung cancer is to improve and strengthen the immune system so that it can complete its work to find and destroy cancer cells. In most cases this is done through dietary changes and adding different types of

supplements. There are also very effective treatments that are administered in a clinical setting.

Many people are unaware that there are alternative cancer clinics, and use cutting-edge procedures, equipment and medicines to successfully treat all types of cancer. These clinics are located mainly in Germany and Mexico, and some are in the U.S. The alternative cancer treatment in these clinics can be very effective.

If you have been diagnosed with this disease, you know that your situation is serious. Do everything you can to strengthen your immune system immediately improve your diet, then find treatment options. Be sure to pay special attention to the treatments available in alternative centers for cancer, particularly those in Germany and Mexico.

About the Author

Read “Know The Cancer” blog to know more about cancer. Also read this article about Lung Cancer Treatment.

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