Asbestos and Lung Cancer are Old Friends

Asbestos and Lung Cancer are Old Friends

Article by Adam Bradley

Anyone can theoretically breathe in asbestos. Asbestos use and lung cancer have been associated for years. Asbestos and asbestos derivatives have been used in so many products that as consumers we use everyday. Part of an element of asbestos was once used in crayons for instance. Asbestos has also been built into many people’s homes, public schools, clothing and even used extensively in hospitals. It used to be ubiquitous, not so much anymore.

If an object is moved or agitated and it contains asbestos, microscopic spores or fibers are flung into the air. They are so light, they float. This causes humans to breathe them in not knowing what they are sucking into their bodies. Since these spores are not supposed to be in our bodies, our lungs do not know what to do with them. Our lungs do not know they are even there. The spores end up being trapped in our lungs for years on end. As time marches forward, these spores gather around and end up scarring and inflaming the lungs. This may not interfere with your breathing ability but can lead to severe health complications.

Asbestos has been officially labeled as a preeminent carcinogen. This means that this element induces cancer. Asbestos and lung cancer have been synonymous. This fact has been classified as such by the EPA, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the International Agency for Research on Cancer. There has been data accumulated that supports the findings that asbestos can increase the chances of someone obtaining lung cancer. Not only lung cancer, mesothelioma is another disease that can be attained.

Mesothelioma is a pretty uncommon form of asbestos lung cancer that incorporates the thin membranes that attach themselves along the chest and abdomen. There is a strong chance you would never be a statistic with this type of cancer unless you inhaled asbestos. Mesothelioma is virtually unheard of without contact with asbestos.

Asbestos does not stop there. It can cause more than two forms of cancer. There has been data that offers an association between asbestos inhalation and colorectal and gastrointestinal cancers. Moreover, being in an atmosphere of asbestos can increase the chances of someone obtaining kidney, throat, esophagus and gallbladder cancer. But, this evidence is not perfect and there are some doubters to these accusations.

Asbestos exposure can perhaps exacerbate the chances of asbestosis. This is an inflammatory situation irrritating the lungs which can lead to weakness of breath, coughing and severe lung damage. Asbestos has been known to cause nonmalignant lung and pleural disorders. Pleural plaques is another.This condition is where the membranes which encompass the lungs are damaged. Another disorder is pleural thickening. Asbestos can also ignite benign pleural effusions. This is when fluids collect between the thin layers of tissue draping the lungs and the chest cavity wall. Pleural plaques do not guarantee lung cancer but if someone is beset by this sickness there is an increased chance that lung cancer will be soon manifest itself.

The relationship between asbestos and lung cancer has been widely accepted. United States industries and manufacturing plants have moved away from using asbestos in many products. Comparatively statistics show that domestic intake of asbestos in 1973 was about 803,000 tons. By 2005, this number had dropped to 2,400 tons.

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About the Author

Adam Bradley is a book publisher. While doing research on asbestos:; he was shocked by the amount of poor information. His research team compiled a directory of agencies, medical centers and groups that provide real help to the victims and families. He offers a free 15 part Mini-Course to help as many as possible:

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