Author Archives: duncan

Q&A: lung cancer?

Question by pinky L: lung cancer? how do i know if i have lung cancer?? 16 years affraid that i might get lung cancer..what are the ways to know if i have lung cancer??..if i need to go … Continue reading

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Mesothelioma Treatment Overview

Mesothelioma Treatment Overview If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with asbestos related cancer, or mesothelioma, finding the best treatment becomes a top priority. However, understanding a complex medical condition can be difficult, especially with a rare disease … Continue reading

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Lung Cancer Statistics 2009

Lung Cancer Statistics 2009 I have gathered the cancer research news from Google and National Cancer Institute. Lung Cancer Statistics 2009Below are some of the new findings of cancer treatment which I found really benefits to the world. 1. New … Continue reading

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Types of Mesothelioma Cancer

Types of Mesothelioma Cancer Mesothelioma is a deadly form of cancer that affects the serous membranes surrounding the major organs of the body i.e. the lungs, heart and the abdominal organs, causing these vital organs to inflate with excessive fluid. … Continue reading

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Q&A: Lung cancer?

Question by Lilaznboi2011: Lung cancer? Just recently my grandma had caught pneumonia and had to be hospitalized. She was lucky that she had no fluids in her lungs when they took X-Ray of her chest. So she got discharged 2 … Continue reading

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Information on Types and Treatment of Lung Cancer

Information on Types and Treatment of Lung Cancer Article by Peterhutch Cancer is a disease in which certain body cells don’t function right, divide very fast, and produce too much tissue … Continue reading

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Overcoming the odds: Curing pleomorphic type mesothelioma

Overcoming the odds: Curing pleomorphic type mesothelioma Article by Nathalie Fiset Given the increasing number of types of cancer, one can never escape the hazards of the world. Cancer normally occurs … Continue reading

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Which type of Complications Caused by Lung Cancer?

Which type of Complications Caused by Lung Cancer? Lung cancer, like all cancers, results from an abnormality in the body is the basic unit of life cell. Normally, the body maintains a system of checks and balances on cell growth … Continue reading

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Lung Cancer?

Question by C B: Lung Cancer? My mother in-law had breast cancer in 03 she under went the surgery and chemo treatments and was cancer free, so she thought she requested a PET scan as she works at the Cleveland … Continue reading

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Diagnosis Mesothelioma – Tips On Diagnosis Mesothelioma And safety At Workplace

Diagnosis Mesothelioma – Tips On Diagnosis Mesothelioma And safety At Workplace Article by Pius Ephenus Diagnosis mesothelioma is a scary subject you don’t want to talk or hear about. It is … Continue reading

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