Lung Cancer?

Question by C B: Lung Cancer?
My mother in-law had breast cancer in 03 she under went the surgery and chemo treatments and was cancer free, so she thought she requested a PET scan as she works at the Cleveland Clinic and knows that they are very good at finding cancer cells. Her scan came back with finding a small cell in her lung; she had breast cancer in the right breast very aggressive type and now a spot in her left Lung she does not smoke. Now we wait and see if this is a new cancer cell or if this is metastasized from her breast cancer. Everything I have read only give a 5yr mark for life she has had no symptoms of lung cancer and this was very unexpected to find. Does anyone have and information on this type of cancer?

Best answer:

Answer by Doc2
Cancer cures are measured as five years. A late relapse can occur.

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