Causes And Symptoms, Signs Of Lung Cancer

Causes And Symptoms, Signs Of Lung Cancer

Article by Rojerwil

Lung cancer is actually a kind of cancer that’s characterized by abnormal cell growth within the lung tissues. This abnormal cell proliferation forms a mass, which is referred as a tumor. When the tumor reaches the malignant stage it spreads to other locations beyond the lungs. As of 2004, lung cancer was identified to trigger probably the most deaths of any form of cancer for both sexes, The majority of cancers are carcinomas, which consist of transformed epithelial cells.

Lung cancer is classified into two types based on the appearance of tumor: small cell (SCLC) and non-small cell (NSCLC). NSCLC is typically treated with surgery. SCLC is treated with chemotherapy and radiation. SCLC comprises about 80% of all cases of cancer.

The main trigger of cancer is tobacco smoking. It accounts for 75% of all cancer cases. The occurrence of cancer in non-smokers is primarily because of genetic factors such as exposure to radon gas, asbestos and polluted air.

Lung cancer symptoms and signsCancer symptoms and signs incorporate:

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