Cigarette smoking and lung cancer

Cigarette smoking and lung cancer

Article by Juan C Ruiz

Smoking is injurious to health. Smoking particularly cigarettes and nicotine causes lug cancer. What is lung cancer? It is the uncontrollable growth of tissue in the lungs. The lung cancer caused by smoking is widespread in developed and developing countries. Nearly 80 to 90 percentages of deaths especially for teenagers is caused due to lung cancer by smoking. In United States of America 87% of which 90% are men and 85% are women dies due to lung cancer. Survey shows that the risk factor of lifetime associated with smoking is 17.2% in case of men smokers and 11.6% in case of women smokers.

The smoke developed by cigarettes contains 60 carcinogens which contains supplements such as radon in decayed sequence and radioactive isotopes. Benzopyrene and nitrosamine are also harmful substances contained in cigarette smoke. The immune response of lungs is depressed by the nicotine substance and causes malevolent growth of exposed cells. The rate at which the people smoke is directly to proportional to the rate at which lung cancer is developed. If the person gives a cessation or end to his/her smoking the chance of developing lung cancer is steadily diminishes and the contaminated particles are gradually removed. Evidences showed that the chance of developing lung cancer has better diagnosis in non-smokers when compared with smokers. Also if a person smoke at the time prognosis has survival time shorter than the one who quits it.

When a person who is a non-smoker inhales the smoke developed by the cigarette then they are susceptible for lung cancer caused by smoking. This type of lung cancers are so called as passive inhalation lung cancer. The passive smokers are classified into two types, the one who lived with smokers and the other one who worked with smokers. A recent study by scientist revealed that passive smokers are highly affected by smoking when compared with direct smokers. A rough estimation shows that 15% of the lung cancer patients are non-smokers. Nearly twenty to thirty thousands of people were given lung cancer diagnostic treatment every year in United States of America. Lung cancer patient dies earlier than those affected by HIV, AIDS and leukemia.

The symptoms revealed by lung cancer cannot be detected in the early stages. Since the aggressive symptoms will be existing only when the tissues affected gets maturity. While diagnosing lung cancer caused by smoking several factors will be evaluated. The first is the family background whether he/she has any hereditary diseases, the next is the history of smoking and the last is their revelation to occupational hazards. The side affects of lung cancer might vary from time to time and they are temporary. Brief explanation about the side affects are briefed out by medical practitioner and nurses in stages. Also they give precautions that must be taken to alleviate discomfort ness. Treatment for lung cancer caused by smoking is done in stages and it is very when detected at the earliest and when the germs or cancer causing cells are not spread to other organs of the body.

About the Author

The Ultimate Guide To Stop Smoking In 14 Days.

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