Dangers of Lung Cancer

Dangers of Lung Cancer

Article by Douglas Grahame

The cause of lung cancer has been seen to be the abnormalities in cells. The body of human beings automatically regulates the production and growth of cells when the body needs them. If there is uncontrolled growth of cell in the tissues of the lungs, then final results may be developing of lung cancer.

Symptoms of lung cancer vary depending on the location and the spreading effect of the tumor but one cannot easily identify early warnings of lung cancer. The best thing one can do is consult a doctor in cases of a new persistent cough or the worsening of an existing chronic cough, if there is blood in his sputum, chest pains and difficulties in breathing and unexplained weight loss

Cancer of the lungs can be categorized into primary lung cancer and Mesothelioma. The primary lung cancer is cancer that starts in the lungs while the Mesothelioma or also referred to as secondary lung cancer normally results when the origin of the cancer was from another part of the body spreading to the lungs. The causes of lung cancer can be through smoking, radon gas, asbestos or viruses not forgetting the genetic risk.

Smoking Cigarettes: Cigarettes’ smoking is so far the biggest and leading cause of lung cancer with responsibilities of over 80% of the cancer related deaths in developed countries. The risk of contacting lung cancer is made worse if one gets into cigarette smoking at a tender age. People who do not smoke can also develop lung cancer through the exposure to those who smoke around them. This therefore means that if you smoke cigars, pipes, cannabis or any other smoking material you are at greater risk of getting lung cancer.

Radon gas: Radon is a naturally occurring gas found in soil. It is said to move from soil, up building foundations, from where inhabitants are then exposed. Exposure to radon gas depends on one’s locality in relation to presence of the gas in underlying rocks and soil in the area.

Asbestos: Individuals who have had prolonged contact with asbestos stand a higher chance of developing lung cancer especially in the event they do smoke for the combination of asbestos and tobacco will tend to act as one thus increasing the risks. Heavy exposure to asbestos may result to far greater risks of developing lung cancer.

Viruses: Previously, viruses were seen to cause lung cancer in animals, but recent research has come out to suggest that it can also cause lung cancer in humans. The viruses that are known to be causing lung cancer include; human papillomavirus, JC virus, simian virus among others. They tend to affect cell cycle resulting to the uncontrolled cell division.

To prevent lung cancer, people should stop smoking.

About the Author

http://www.stopsmokingquitforever.com is a largest stop smoking company in UK. Douglas Grahame, the owner of the website has more than 10 years of experience in this field and many thousands people have been successfully treated here. For more info, log on to http://www.stopsmokingquitforever.com.

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