How bad of a cough do lung cancer patients have?

Question by : How bad of a cough do lung cancer patients have?
Is it a terrible cough, constant, or just a cough here and there? I have never smoked before i’m only 15 and I have been to the doctors twice one said I had allergies one said I had Bronchitis neither took a x-ray and I still have this small-mild dry cough. White phlegm no blood or fever nothing other than a cough. Breathing is fine. Could I have lung cancer? I worry too much (because I’m a hypochondriac)

Best answer:

Answer by Quietscherin
No, you don’t have lung cancer, if you did you would have many other symptoms. Maybe you do have allergies or bronchitis, if the cough doesn’t go away see a doctor again and ask them to do an x-ray.

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