How do I cope with my dad being diagnosed with lung cancer?

Question by K: How do I cope with my dad being diagnosed with lung cancer?
The biopsy has just come back and he has small cell lung cancer. I am 14 and my brother is only 10. He is getting a pet scan tomorrow. I and especially my brother are terribly distraught, and we really don’t know how to deal with this. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Best answer:

Answer by Natalie G
I was 7 when my mom died from lung cancer. I was 4 when she was diagnosed with it. Just remember (i wish i knew this when i was first coping with it) tell him everything you want to tell him and live life to the fullest i really regret not doing that with my mom. I am now 12 and its been really hard but you have to keep moving on i know thats what everybody’s going to tell you but its very true!

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