How does Lung Cancer affect other parts of your body?

Question by Angie: How does Lung Cancer affect other parts of your body?
I was doing a little bit of a research, and I wanted to know what effects can Lung Cancer have on other parts of your body.
Can it go into your lymph nodes and spread to other parts of your body?
Does it have an effect on systems other than the Respiratory System?
What are some unique symptoms of it, and what is it commonly mistaken for?
And most importantly, how does it start?

Please try to answer as much as you can, thank you!

Best answer:

Answer by millie
No one can definitively tell how cancer starts.
Lung cancer starts in several different ways.
Everyone reacts differently to treatment.
Lung cancer can spread to every cell in the body.
Lung cancer can affect every system in the body.
The only thing unique about lung cancer is that it is the most lethal of the cancers.

So it really doesn’t matter what you write in your little story.
The biggest mistake kids are making in their stories is to say the patient had only x amount of time to live. No one knows how long a cancer patient will live unless their organs have started shutting down. Then they can make a good guess.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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