How long does it take you to die from lung cancer without help?

Question by Fofo Dogdog: How long does it take you to die from lung cancer without help?
Lung cancer from smoking too much when you are old.

Best answer:

Answer by Memere RN/BA
That’s an impossible question to answer because everyone is different. Some die slowly while others die quickly. My nephew died of lung cancer and suffered a long time. He smoked a lot. My sister has lung cancer and never smoked in her life. She was told she won’t live long. It doesn’t seem fair does it. At least she’s ready and now wants to die and be done with it. I’m selfish. I don’t want her to die but I don’t have a say in it. She is not having chemo because her body is riddled with all kinds of cancer. So there is no telling. Only God knows the day and time.

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