How to Prevent Lung Cancer?

How to Prevent Lung Cancer?

Article by james sameul

Lung cancer is a disease of uncontrolled cell growth in tissues of the lung. This growth may lead to metastasis, invasion of adjacent tissue and infiltration beyond the lungs. Lung cancer can affect everyone, that is why we should try on prevent this terrible ‘disease’. I will give you some ways how YOU!! can prevent lung cancer.

Lung Cancer – Prevention

The easiest way to avoid lung cancer is to stop smoking. It may be difficult to quit but it is not impossible. Millions of people have done it and those who quit lessen their chances of developing lung cancer by two-thirds.

Ninety percent of people who stop smoking do it on their own so start now before it’s too late. If you find that hard to do, you can join smoking cessation classes or enroll in a clinic that offers the same service. Choose the program that makes the most sense to you and enlist the help of friends or loved ones to make things easier for you.

Taking in high amounts of beta-carotenes can also lower the risk of lung cancer in smokers. Carotenoid compounds are found in certain produce like peaches, mangoes, melon, squash, sweet potatoes, pumpkins and green leafy vegetables. Beta-carotene supplement however should be avoided. A study conducted by a Finnish group indicated that an 18 percent rise in lung cancer cases was seen in heavy smokers who were taking beta-carotene supplements. Moreover, the National Cancer Institute researchers also stopped their study on the effects of vitamin A and beta-carotene after smokers who were taking the supplements showed 28 percent more lung cancer than those taking placebos.

Stopping smoking reduces the risk of someone developing lung cancer, but the genetic damage it causes takes time to disappear – and half of all newly-diagnosed lung cancers occur in former smokers.

A cancerous tumor in the lung is usually removed surgically. It is sometimes necessary to remove an entire lobe of the lung. Because lung cancers are usually not detected until they are well advanced, surgery alone may not be able to eliminate them, and radiation and chemotherapy may be used in combination with or in place of surgery,” explained the editors of Consumer Guide’s “Family Health & Medical Guide.

Because the substance didn’t damage the healthy cells, researchers say the agent may hold great potential for both prevention and treatment of lung cancer. They say deguelin is highly specific and seems to work by zeroing in on a particular molecular pathway associated with lung cancer.

Stop smoking. The number one cause of lung cancer is smoking. Studies show that even lifetime smokers who quit can drastically reduce their chances of getting lung cancer.

Add plenty of fruits and vegetables, like cranberries and beans, to your diet. These foods are high in antioxidants and flavonoids, which work to repair cellular damage and guard your DNA. Doctors believe adding fruits and vegetables to your diet can prevent lung cancer.


Recent studies on the connection between diet and lung cancer have shown mixed results. One study shows that eating a diet rich in nutrients called phytoestrogens may help reduce your risk of lung cancer.17 Phytoestrogens are found in a wide variety of whole grains, legumes such as chickpeas, vegetables, and soy products. Other research shows that taking supplements of beta-carotene and other vitamins may actually be harmful and increase the risk of lung cancer in people who continue to smoke.

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