Lung Cancer in Dogs Prognosis

Lung Cancer in Dogs Prognosis

Article by Susan Green

As a dog owner, it’s only right that you should know about lung cancer in dogs prognosis whether your dog has it or not.

Nearly all cases of lung cancer in dogs are caused by cancerous tumors located outside the lungs. Experts have realized that primary lung cancer in dogs is extremely rare. Lung tumors are usually seen under a radiograph.

The first signs of lung cancer in dogs are subtle and generic. They tend to be hidden for a long time but usually surface in the form of respiratory difficulties. You will notice difficulty in breathing or chronic cough to develop. Harsh and deep cough with heavy phlegm or a mixture of blood is a positive sign that your dog is having respiratory problems.

The progression of lung cancer depends on the type of tumor your dog has, which is done by taking sample of the tumor for further analysis.

Lung cancer in dogs usually occurs in older dogs, which then puts you into a very awkward situation of whether to pursue the treatment or put down the dog. Nasty things do happen and this is one of them. For you to decide which route to take is to weigh and understand all the necessary risks and treatment preparations that need to be undertaken to save the life of your dog as well as determining prognosis.

There are two options to take should you decide to pursue the treatment: chemotherapy and surgery. Although radiation treatment is one valid option, most doctors don’t recommend it due to the proximity of the lungs to the heart.

The only downside of chemotherapy is that there were no conclusive evidences in the past that it does cure lung cancer, which makes the surgery the last viable option. Loosely said, the use of chemotherapy is still needed to make sure that after the removal of the tumor, there will be no chance of spreading of the cancer cells to follow.

Majority of the lung cancer in dogs are discovered in its late stages, which makes it even more difficult to cure. This disease is considered fatal and the survival rate is within a few months to years.

The decision whether or not to subject your dog to surgical removal of the tumor will depend on the extent of the disease itself. Putting your dog to a major operation like this one will surely reduce the quality of his life.

As mentioned earlier, lung cancer tends to strike older dogs, so practically speaking, it’s only best to provide him the most comfortable care as best as you can. It’s also advisable to seek help from a veterinarian to aid him in his respiratory problems.

About the Author

Your dog has cancer? Visit my blog on dog cancer survival to know more about liver cancer in dogs.

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