Lung Cancer Stages Survival Rates

Lung Cancer Stages Survival Rates

Article by Admin

It causes numerous diseases, including a specific lung cancer called mesothelioma. Lung Cancer Stages Survival Rates. Because of the dangers of this substance, it is vital to identify and treat asbestos in your home.

Although asbestos was first used by ancient cultures such as the Greek, Chinese, and Persians, it rose to popularity in the 1900s. Its claim to fame is that it has some very useful properties, especially for the construction industry. As a silicate mineral, asbestos is extremely resistant to heat, chemicals, fire, electricity, and degradation. Asbestos itself is known for being flexible and having strong tensile strength. Thus, it is no surprise that it was incorporated in everything from joint compound to piping to brake pads.

In houses, asbestos can be found in drywall, plaster, texturing, caulk, counter tops, pipes, roofing tar, shingles, vinyl flooring, and fireproofing sheets. The problem with the prevalence of asbestos is that it can easily flake from its housing. Microscopic pieces of asbestos can get lodged in your lungs and cause mesothelioma and lung cancer. It has also been linked to warts, pleural plaque buildup, and cancers such as gastrointestinal, colorectal, esophageal, and throat.

Of course, if someone in your house develops any of these diseases, you should have your house inspected for asbestos. But, it is better to be safe than sorry. If you suspect that something in your house contains asbestos, you should take a sample of it and send it to a lab for testing.

To take a sample you should first make sure that you are protected from accidental insulation. You may want to wear a surgical mask to protect your airways. Next, spray the asbestos down with water to wet down the fibers and make them cling to each other. This lessens the risk of them breaking apart and floating into the air. Use a small knife or other tool to remove a bit of the sample. Place it in a container, making sure that the sample is completely enclosed in the airtight device. Mark it and send it in to a laboratory for testing. If you suspect that asbestos is in multiple places throughout your house, you need to take a sample for each thing.

Lab sampling can be expensive and can range from to per sample tested. But, this price is low considering that asbestos in your house can come with the emotional price of extreme illness and even death.

About the Author

Mesothelioma Research.

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