Lung Cancer Symptoms and Treatment

Lung Cancer Symptoms and Treatment

Lung Cancer Symptoms and Treatment

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Lung Cancer Symptoms and Treatment

By: honylyn
Posted: Oct 27, 2010

Most people with lung cancer often experience no symptoms when diagnosed at early stage of the disease process.  Oftentimes an accidental x-ray finds out the presence of cancer cells.  The cancer advancing and the presence of tumor mostly cause the symptoms of lung cancer.  Hormones involved and effects of cancer to other parts of the body can likewise make symptoms.

People should be informed about lung cancer symptoms and treatment for a better prognosis.

Primarily cough, hemoptysis (coughing up blood), chest pain and shortness of breath are the most common indicator of lung cancer.

General indicators for this kind of cancer are:

•    A cough that does not go away
•    A change in a cough you have had for a long time
•    Being short of breath
•    Coughing of sputum tinged with blood

•    Pain when breathing or coughing
•    Loss of appetite
•    Fatigue
•    Weight loss

Cancer cells produce hormones and deliver them in bloodstreams.  Other signs of Lung cancer that may be hormone related are:

•    Pins and needles or numbness in fingers or toes
•    Muscle weakness
•    Drowsiness, weakness, dizziness or confusion
•    Breast swelling in men
•    Blood clots

Treating cancer vary with different factors.  These factors include the type of the cancer that you have, the location of the tumor, your general condition, the stage development of cancer.

Treatment for non-small cell lung carcinoma according to the stage are:

STAGE1:  A lobectomy where you have to remove one lobe of your lungs is usually done with this stage of cancer.  A radiotherapy follows the surgery.

STAGE2:  With this stage of cancer, a lobectomy or pneumonectomy where your lungs is removed is usually an option. Doctor may suggest a chemotherapy afterwards.  A radiotherapy is likewise advised if the patient do not want to go surgery.

STAGE3:  Pneumonectomy is strongly recommended for this stage of lung cancer.  Oncologists also recommend a radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

STAGE4:  Chemotherapy is advised for patients at this stage.  For instances that chemotherapy is not working, a biological therapy called erlotinib (Tarceva).  The only aim of medication for this stage is the relief of the symptoms and lessens complication.

honylyn – About the Author:

Many information about lung cancer symptoms and treatment can be found on the web. You can visit for more detailed information.


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