Medical studies supporting argument that smoking causes lung cancer?

Question by ethebest123456789: Medical studies supporting argument that smoking causes lung cancer?
Does anyone know the official title of any medical studies or trials that support the argument that smoking causes lung cancer? Also, if anyone knows of an article or example of why animal trials and human trials can have different results, that would be great. I have to research both sides of the debate about smoking and lung cancer.

Best answer:

Answer by Joseph F
There really aren’t “two sides” anymore, smoking causes lung cancer, but some people think the enjoyment is worth the potential risk.

The biggest and most accurate human trial would be….mankind.

If you look at the data concerning all the now-dead people born since 1900 that developed lung cancer, 10% of cases were in non-smokers, the rest were in smokers or ex-smokers.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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