my mum is in icu has lung cancer and cancer of the adrenal glands we did not know?

Question by j w: my mum is in icu has lung cancer and cancer of the adrenal glands we did not know?
My mum has been diagnosed with lung and adrenal gland cancer. I went to see her yesterday and dont think she will make it through the week. My question is how do you go to work with all this happening, how do you get through the day?

Best answer:

Answer by PEACHYr
oh my god, i feel for you!
i went through the same thing with both parents. not the same illness, but still, they were dying.
it was impossible to go to work everyday. i missed a lot of work, but luckily i worked for good people and was told to take as much time off as i need.

i can’t tell you how to get through it. you have to do that your own way. i cried a lot and got very, very angry. i am almost crying as i am righting this.
my thoughts are with your mother, and you and your family.

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