Ex-Smokers Reduce The Risk Of Lung Cancer – Quit Smoking Today

Ex-Smokers Reduce The Risk Of Lung Cancer – Quit Smoking Today

Further evidence that, from a health standpoint, it is never too late to quit cigarette smoking was presented by a New Jersey pathologist who found that in former smokers, the cells that line the bronchial tubes – where smoking-caused lung cancers arise – recover from smoking-inflicted damage.  The pathologist, Dr. Oscar Auerbach of the Veterans Administration Hospital in East Orange, said that “persons who have smoked cigarettes for many years some times express the opinion that the harm has already been done and that they might as well continue smoking.  The evidence is completely contrary to that point of view,” said Dr. Auerbach, who was a member of the research team that found the first evidence in experimental animals – beagles – that cigarette smoking causes lung cancer. “cigarette smokers who give up the habit and quit smoking today thereby reduce their risk of acquiring lung cancer,” he added.

Earlier studies of the risk people face of developing lung cancer have shown that even after as little as a year after stopping smoking, the risk of developing the disease declines, and after six to ten years, the former smoker’s risk of lung cancer is nearly as low as that faced by people who had never smoked.  Similarly, a decade after stopping smoking, the risk of dying from cardiovascular disease declines to the level of the nonsmokers.  And obstructions in the small air passages in the lungs, which render smokers, especially susceptible to chronic bronchitis and emphysema, are also reversed after smoking has been stopped.

The new findings by Dr. Auerbach, are based on autopsy studies of bronchial tissue in 72 men who had been smokers for at least 10 years but who stopped smoking for at least five years before their deaths.  The findings were compared with those in 72 men of the same age who smoked until death and 72 men who never smoked.

All 72 current cigarette smokers were found to have abnormal cells resembling cells that became cancerous in many microscopic sections of their bronchial tissue, Dr. Auerbach reported.  But only half of the former smokers and a quarter of the nonsmokers had any sections with such abnormal cells.  When former smokers were compared with current smokers who were as old as the former smokers were when they gave up cigarettes, Dr. Auerbach found that abnormalities in the bronchial tubes declined with time in those who stopped smoking.  Not only was further damage stopped but the body was also able to repair the damage. It is therefore very important to start a quit smoking program as soon as possible.

If you want to quit smoking without using “will power” or experiencing any cravings what-so-ever, the Quit Smoking Today program is the answer you’re looking for. Click here for and excellent quit smoking program now.

Article from articlesbase.com

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New Mesothelioma Research – What Are My Survival Chances?

New Mesothelioma Research – What Are My Survival Chances?

The survival rate for mesothelioma patients about twenty years ago was less than one year from the time of diagnosis, but with early detection and aggressive treatment mesothelioma patients are living longer that predicted. With new developments and ongoing research mesothelioma sufferers are gaining more hope about their treatment and longer life expectance.

Nature of Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is a disease caused by exposure to asbestos. In most cases symptoms of mesothelioma may not appear for decades after initial exposure to asbestos. Because it is not detected until it has reached its later stages makes it very difficult to treat. The symptoms of mesothelioma are often mistaken for other common diseases such as influenza or phenomena because the symptoms are so similar and those suffering from this disease may not even realize that they have developed mesothelioma.

Longer Survival Chances for Mesothelioma Patients

There are new tests which was developed over the years that aid in early detection of mesothelioma. Most of these tests have helped mesothelioma patients lead a more comfortable and longer life. There have been reports of a number of mesothelioma patients who have even survived past their predicted survival date. In some cases a number of patients have been cured of this disease due to early diagnosis and aggressive mesothelioma treatment. Researchers believe treatments that improve the immune system can stabilize and even cure mesothelioma.

Over the past years more and more mesothelioma survivors are beginning to speak out about this disease and sharing their stories about how they overcame it. Below are two exciting stories about mesothelioma survivors and what they are doing to fight this disease. These survivors are providing hope for mesothelioma patients and their loved ones.

Paul Kraus, an Australian mesothelioma survivor was diagnosed with peritoneal mesothelioma in 1997. According to Mr. Kraus he developed mesothelioma about 35 years earlier where he was exposed to asbestos working in a factory. He has been very outspoken about his disease and decided to do whatever it takes to fight this cancer. He became a vegetarian and started taking vitamins and nutritional supplements to his daily diet. He also tried a treatment known as ozone therapy which was a very effective treatment. Kraust believe that a combination of all the therapy, drugs and change in diet helped to stabilize his mesothelioma. According to Kraust’s doctor he is disease free and could continue living for a long time.

Rhio O’Connor is another mesothelioma survivor who recently published a book about his ordeal with mesothelioma. He recommends alternative treatments instead of the traditional medicine, surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Mr. O’Connor stated that he has lived with mesothelioma for seven years. He decided not to undergo the traditional treatment of surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Instead he decided to develop his own regimen with the help of several expert physicians. His regimen included to drastically change his diet. He also adds to his daily diet 100 nutritional supplements and daily mediation among others.

American Cancer Society Statistics on Survival Rate of Mesothelioma Patients

According to mesothelioma statistics published by the American Cancer Society, the five-year relative survival rate for patients with mesothelioma is approximately 10 percent and that number has improved within the last five years, up from 9 percent reported at the end of 2002. In addition recent studies show that the one-year survival rate is now about 40 percent, a number that has also increased in the past five years – there is hope for mesothelioma patients.

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Q&A: Can you get lung cancer from fiberglass insulation?

Question by Soundra: Can you get lung cancer from fiberglass insulation?
You can get lung cancer from asbestos because it puts fiber in the lungs and the body doesn’t know how to expel it. Wouldn’t the same logic be used for fiberglass insulation. When you install fiberglass into walls these tiny fibers break off and get into the air. If you breath in these fibers then the body can’t expel them. Glass does not break down and then it remains in your lungs forever.

Best answer:

Answer by Josh H
Not sure about lung cancer but it can do very serious damage to them so you should always have a face mask on they are very cheap and life savers.

Give your answer to this question below!

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Esophigeal Cancer Symptoms

Esophigeal Cancer Symptoms

Article by Melissa Hernandez

Esophageal cancer is typically a carcinoma that develops in the epithelium, or surface layer, of the esophagus. This type of cancer is most easily diagnosed through a series of tests including endoscopy, PET and CT scans. Esophageal cancer symptoms, unfortunately in a majority of cases, only become pronounced enough for the patient to see their doctor when the disease is in the latter stages of development.


The overwhelming majority of esophageal cancers can be classified into one of two categories for the purposes of diagnosis, squamos cell and adenocarcinoma. As an informal general rule, the squamos cell version of the disease occurs in the upper two-thirds of the esophagus, while the adenocarcinoma occurs in the lower one-third.

Esophageal Cancer Symptoms

In the latter stages of the disease, when the patient begins to recognize a problem, symptoms can present themselves in an obvious manner. Initial symptoms include odynophagia, or pain when swallowing, or dysphagia, difficulty swallowing. Difficulty swallowing is generally the first noticeable symptom that presents itself.

Pain, very similar to heartburn, can present as severe and will worsen when the patient attempts to swallow any but the softest of foods or fluids. This pain is present almost daily, with little to no relief from common heartburn medications. Another symptom in proximity to the throat is a husky or raspy cough, which is a result of the cancer advancing on the laryngeal nerve.

The tumor(s) may produce, in some patients, additional symptoms. The symptoms can include vomiting blood, nausea, lack of appetite and rapid weight loss, along with an increased risk of contracting aspiration related pneumonia.

When are Symptoms Diagnosed

In a majority of esophageal cancer patients, unless the disease is detected in the early stages through a full physical or cancer screening, symptoms are not significant enough to see their doctor until the tumor involved is fairly significant in size. Normally, symptoms present themselves in a significant way only after approximately half of the esophagus is restricted, or blocked.

Additional complications that may arise from a late stage diagnosis of esophageal cancer include metastasis into other organs and body parts. Esophageal cancer most commonly metastasizes into the liver, lung or lymph nodes. Once metastasis has occurred with the disease, it is much more difficult to treat effectively.

Prognosis for Esophageal Cancer Patients

The prognosis for patients is far lower than the survival rates for some other types of cancer. This is most commonly due to the fact patients only present themselves for diagnosis once symptoms are present, which generally only occurs late in the disease. The percentages for survival depend on the stage the cancer is initially treated in and whether the cancer has metastasized into structures outside the esophagus. The approximate overall five year survival rate for patients who present with esophageal cancer symptoms is 15% and a large number of patients do not survive the first year after diagnosis.

About the Author

Are you worried or concerned about ongoing illness or symptoms suffered by you or a loved one? Worried it could be more serious?

You should obviously consult a doctor to have a professional diagnosis administered. However our website has articles on all types of on cancer symptoms. Learn more about the common Esophigeal cancer symptoms<a> and many more variants of cancer.

Get informed and keep you and your loved ones one step ahead of the dreaded ‘Big C’.

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Information on Chemotherapy of Mesothelioma Treatment

Information on Chemotherapy of Mesothelioma Treatment

Article by Jeff

Mesothelioma chemotherapy is often one component of mesothelioma treatment. There are three basic approaches to treating mesothelioma disease such as surgery, radiation therapy, and chemogtherapy, are potentially frightening to a patient. Chemotherapy is possibly a little more difficult to penetrate rationally, and weigh the risks, versus rewards. Certainly, the list of possible side effects is quite intimidating. If surgery is an option for you, it may be followed by radiation therapy, and/or chemotherapy in order to try to kill the microscopic cancer cells that remain in your body. The chemotherapy agents that your doctor selects will often be a combination or recipe of drugs that when used together have better outcomes than when used by themselves.After response to the mesothelioma treatment has been determined, the following criteria will be used to decide whether chemotherapy should continue:

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Carmel, CA : Cancer Treatments Rapidly Evolving: View From A Private Duty Caregiver

Carmel, CA : Cancer Treatments Rapidly Evolving: View From A Private Duty Caregiver

Article by Richard Kuehn

Carmel, CA : Cancer Treatments Rapidly Evolving: View From A Private Duty Caregiver Serving, Carmel, Carmel-by-the-Sea, Marina, Monterey, Pacific Grove, Pebble Beach, Salinas & Seaside, California

A dramatic shift in the way patients are treated for cancer is underway, thanks to new research which could offer people personalized treatments that can get to those suffering from cancer more quickly, and in a more effective manner. The Wall Street Journal reported on June 6 that researchers believe using genetic information to match drugs to the biological drivers of tumors in individuals could offer new hope to some. Studies released at the American Society of Oncology in Chicago support previous findings that personalized medicine, introduced more than a decade ago, could be used as a weapon to fight cancer. One study, for instance, from Memorial Sloan Kettering, found that skin-cancer patients with a mutation of a gene called BRAF, 48% responded to a targeted treatment compared to just 5% with the current standard treatment. Another study from researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital found that lung-cancer patients with a specific-mutation lived significantly longer when treated with a new targeted therapy from Pfizer Inc. than a matched group of similar patients which didn’t get the targeted drug. There are 800 cancer drugs in development now, some of them designed to target specific mutations. However, it may take regulatory changes and the development of new diagnostic tests in order to bring some to market. Any company developing a drug for targeting a specific mutation is also required to develop a diagnostic test which has to be reviewed by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This is separate from approval of the drug. This can sometimes lengthen the process, although Janet Woodcock, Director for the FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research said the agency is moving to change policies to help accommodate these scientific advances. “We are on the tipping point of a whole new game in how we develop drugs [for cancer],” she said. Another issue is that since cancer genes can mutate quickly, cautious Doctors are likely to add the targeted drugs to a standard regimen. This will make treatment more expensive, and could draw howls from insurance companies. Still, many are hopeful. “We’ve never had more insight into genetic pathways and the genetics of tumors than we do now,” Gary Gilliland, head of cancer research and development at Merck & Company, told the Wall Street Journal. These insights are driving “an end-to-end change in the way we develop new drugs for cancer and the way we do business,” he said. At Family inHome Caregiving we have patients with cancer, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s as well as other diseases which are difficult to treat. Although some of the treatments may be years away, just the hope of finding a cure is often enough to keep someone going http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702304432304576367802580935000.html?mod=googlenews_wsj

About the Author

About Richard Kuehn & Family inHome Caregiving of Monterey:

After more than a decade of caregiving, both in a professional environment and for a 97 year old family member I was dissatisfied with service from local caregiving agencies. I became convinced of the need for a service which provides very personal assistance to the elderly and founded Family inHome Caregiving serving the Monterey Peninsula. Please visit my blog where I talk about important senior issues at:http://www.familyinhomecaregiving.com/Blog

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Colorado Mesothelioma Attorneys

Colorado Mesothelioma Attorneys

Mesothelioma is a form of cancer that is almost always caused by exposure to asbestos. Most people who develop mesothelioma have worked on jobs where they inhaled asbestos particles, or they have been exposed to asbestos dust and fiber in other ways.

If you have mesothelioma and you live in Colorado, you should have a Colorado mesothelioma attorney handle your case. Colorado mesothelioma attorneys have the knowledge and experience and can help you get a fair settlement on your claim.

Why do I need to file a Lawsuit?

It is not your fault that you were exposed to asbestos, and it should not be your responsibility to bear the financial burden. This is a terrible disease and you should seek the compensation that you deserve. The treatment can be very expensive and can become a heavy burden on you and your loved ones during such a difficult time.

Filing a lawsuit against your employer or big companies can be intimidating. However, they need to be held accountable for providing an unsafe working environment for their employees. Because of their negligence, you have to go through an enormous amount of pain and suffering. An experienced Colorado mesothelioma attorney can help you get the compensation you and your family deserve.

Affordable Legal Services for Victims of Mesothelioma

Most mesothelioma attorneys are paid on a contingency fee basis. Contingency fee contracts allow everyday people, like you, seek justice. This is not your fault and contingency agreements allow individuals who might otherwise not be able to afford legal representation to hire an attorney without paying anything out-of-pocket. Under a contingency fee agreement, attorneys receive a percentage of your compensation.

Finding the right Colorado Mesothelioma Attorney

It is difficult to prove mesothelioma cases and that is why hiring an experienced attorney is crucial to the outcome of your case. Mesothelioma attorneys throughout the state of Colorado are available to help victims protect their rights. Experienced attorneys can help victims determine who is responsible for their injuries and obtain a nice settlement for your pain and suffering. Your Colorado mesothelioma attorney will explain the best course of action for possible lawsuit in order to enforce your rights, and bring the parties responsible for their actions.

A few Facts about Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is often not diagnosed until the late stages, after serious side effects start to present itself. Symptoms of mesothelioma may not appear until 20 to 50 years after exposure to asbestos. This means, you may have recently developed asbestos cancer from a job you left decades ago.

The average survival term after diagnosis with mesothelioma is twelve to eighteen months.

The courts in most states are generally reasonable; they understand the urgency of mesothelioma lawsuit and often will help expedite it.

In the U.S., about 3,000 new cases of mesothelioma are diagnosed annually.

Do I need to pay out-of-pocket for Attorney Fees?

Most Colorado attorneys work on a contingency basis, which means you pay absolutely nothing upfront. There are no out-of-pocket or up-front attorney fees, until you get your settlement. Colorado mesothelioma attorneys typically do not get paid unless you win your case, and receive compensation. Most Colorado mesothelioma attorneys also give a free consultation and evaluation of your case; this is an excellent opportunity to ask about your case and about the probability of being compensated for damages.

Where can I find a Qualified Colorado Mesothelioma Attorney?

A good place to look for a qualified Colorado mesothelioma attorney is on the web. Many mesothelioma attorneys have their own web sites. Just send them an email describing your case. You can also visit websites that offer the services of Colorado mesothelioma attorneys. These online services usually provide information about mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases. There are a number of mesothelioma law firm in your area you can also contact, or ask your doctor for a referral. Once you have made contact with a good Colorado attorney, and you understand your medical and legal options, it is time to proceed with filing your case.

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What are some of the symptoms of Lung Cancer?

Question by Revla: What are some of the symptoms of Lung Cancer?
Write a paragraph about the symptoms of Lung cancer 5-8 sentences in detail. My firend might have it she wants to know.

Best answer:

Answer by Pearl N
Dry cough
Loss of appetite
Lack of energy
Shortness of breath.
Your friend needs to see a doctor right away if she/he even thinks they have a lung problem. Good luck and I pray they don’t have cancer.

What do you think? Answer below!

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Biomarkers helping research teams in early lung cancer diagnose

Biomarkers helping research teams in early lung cancer diagnose

Researchers in America believe they may have found a way to help in early diagnose of lung cancer cases, two years before it can be picked up using CT scans. Tests carried out by Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Centre, Arthur G. James Cancer Hospital and Richard J. Solove Research Institute involved the use of biomarkers. They found a pattern in patients’ microRNA that when present in the blood can point to the presence of lung disease.

Being able to identify when people are suffering from lung cancer at an early stage is extremely important as it drastically improves the patient’s chances of beating the disease. By detecting pulmonary cancers such as lung cancer early, the range of useful treatment options available increases. Currently, it is usually the case where forms of lung cancer are not detected until symptoms start to appear, and the cancer has reached an advanced stage.

For example, with mesothelioma, a form of cancer brought about due to the inhalation of asbestos fibres, it can be many decades before the damage brings on symptoms such as shortness of breath and chest pains. Work is going on around the world to come up with new ways to diagnose the disease early.

Dr Carlo M Croce, professor of molecular virology, immunology and medical genetics, and director of the Human Cancer Genetics program was the principle investigator within the Ohio research team. He said the abnormal microRNA patterns were present in the patient’s blood serum a long time before the tumors were detected using a CT scan. This suggests that there is the potential for the biomarker to have strong “predictive, diagnostic and prognostic potential”. So, doctors could potentially use a simple blood test to detect lung cancer, once the microRNA pattern is there .

The use of biomarkers to help doctors and researchers to diagnose forms of cancer has become far more widespread over recent years, now playing a vital role all over the world. They are without doubt critical to the future of medical research. As more research teams conduct tests using biomarkers then knowledge will spread and we will continue to get closer to finding ways to diagnose diseases such as cancer at early stages, benifting many millions of people all around the world. Biomarkers have a critical role to play in the future of medicine and there is no little doubt that cancer biomarkers will continue to have a profound effect.

As biomarkers continue their role in the discovery of new medicines, cancer biomarkers and other research will be extremely important.

Article from articlesbase.com

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Choosing A Mesothelioma Doctor: Tips For Finding The Right Doctor After A Mesothelioma Diagnosis

Choosing A Mesothelioma Doctor: Tips For Finding The Right Doctor After A Mesothelioma Diagnosis

After you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, choosing which mesothelioma doctor you will trust your care to is one of several important decisions that must be made. The tips below offer guidelines for finding a mesothelioma doctor who can meet your needs, ensure that you get the best possible care, and help you through this difficult time.

Tip 1: Find a Doctor who has Experience Treating Mesothelioma and Asbestos Exposure Cases

Mesothelioma cancer is a relatively rare disease and not all doctors are knowledgeable regarding asbestos exposure, diagnosing mesothelioma, and the types of mesothelioma treatment. It is important for mesothelioma patients to find a doctor who has experience treating patients with this disease, particularly if they are interested in exploring some of the newer and non-traditional forms of mesothelioma treatment. There are several ways that you can find mesothelioma doctors, including the following:

Ask your primary care physician to refer you to a mesothelioma specialist.
Contact an organization such as the Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation or the American Cancer Society and ask if they can provide assistance.
Talk to friends, family members, or coworkers who have dealt with a mesothelioma diagnosis and find out if they can recommend a doctor.

Remember that every mesothelioma case is different and every patient has their own unique set of needs and concerns. You may have to consult with several mesothelioma doctors before you find one that you are comfortable with.

Tip 2: Ask the Right Questions to Learn About Your Doctor’s Experience with Mesothelioma

Before choosing a mesothelioma specialist, you should talk to the doctor and ask questions in order to learn about his or her background and qualifications. This can also help you get a sense of the doctor’s personality and character. Listed below are three key questions that you should ask a mesothelioma doctor that you are considering going to for treatment:

How many cases of mesothelioma cancer have you treated in your career?
What kind of specialized education, training, and certification have you received related to mesothelioma and asbestos cancer?
What kinds of mesothelioma treatment options can you provide?

It is important to find a mesothelioma doctor who you trust to provide the highest level of care possible. You need to be comfortable communicating with your doctor about any questions or concerns you may have regarding your mesothelioma treatment. It can be very helpful if your family has a good relationship with the doctor as well, particularly if your family members are taking an active role in your treatment.

Liz Ryan is a Writing and Content Specialist for IQ Mesothelioma. Visit IQMesothelioma.com to learn more about Choosing a Mesothelioma Doctor and search our national mesothelioma doctor directory to find a mesothelioma specialist in your area.

Article from articlesbase.com

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